Nathan Christopher Charles Summers
Nathan Dayspring Askani’Son, Chosen One,
Soldier X, Nathan Winters, Savior, Traveler
6' 6‘‘
350 lbs.
Grey, originally brown
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #201
(as a child),
New Mutants (1st series) #87
(as an adult)
Scott Summers / Cyclops (father),
Christopher Summers /
Corsair (grandfather), Katherine Anne
Summers (grandmother, deceased),
Alex Summers / Havok (uncle),
Gabriel Summers / Vulcan (uncle),
Adam Neramani / X-Treme (half-uncle),
Phillip Summers (great-grandfather),
Deborah Summers (great-grandmother),
Madelyne Pryor / Goblin Queen
(mother), Jean Grey-Summers /
Phoenix IV (adoptive mother), Aliya
Dayspring / Jenskot (wife, deceased),
Tyler Dayspring / Genesis (son,
deceased), Hope (sister-in-law),
Stryfe (genetic clone), Rachel Summers / Askani
(alternate half-sister), Nate Grey / X-Man
(alternate half-brother), Hope Summers, I (wife, deceased),
Hope Summers, II (adopted daughter, deceased)
Statesman, adventurer, former soldier, mercenary, diploma in law
X-Men, Avengers Unity Division, X-Force, New Mutants, Six Pack, Wild Pack, Clan Chosen, Underground, The Twelve, S.W.O.R.D., X-Men Red, X-Terminators, X-Men 2099, Avengers 2099
• Psionic powers include telepathy, telekinesis, latent space-time abilities accessed by mechanical aids, and involuntary precognition that variably provides him with warning of future threats either several days or merely a few moments in advance
• Techno-organic virus supports a bionic arm which provide him with superhuman strength, bodyslide and time travel technology for teleporting around the planet or between temporal zones, other customizable weapons and components, and an A.I. named Belle that runs his equipment and has a range of advanced sensors and scanning capabilities
• Formerly carried a Psimitar lance keyed to his psi-signature which could scramble minds and nervous systems on contact, morph into different shapes and lengths, and could be thrown, dissociated into energy, then reconstructed in his hand
• Formerly used incorporated tech from the Dominus Objective to access the Infonet and mentally assimilate and transfer electronic information and the Cone of Silence gravimetric shield generator that produces a sheath of force he can manipulate like telekinesis to levitate himself, form protective barriers or manipulative fields to grab and hold solid matter
• Formerly employed a optical implant able to fire laser beams and an exo-arm to move his atrophied limb, giving him a degree of superhuman strength, mini-missiles and force beam weapons