Publication Date: 23rd Aug 2024
Written By: Blanchett.
Image Work: Blanchett.


When the United Nations ceded control of the former mutant slave nation of Genosha to Magneto, they hoped that the strife-riddled island would consume the time of the master of magnetism. After some teething problems, this gamble proved correct. Genosha, under Magneto, became a mutant metropolis and their first real homeland in the modern age. Approximately 16 million mutants from around the globe made the reformed nation their home and “Explodey Boy” was merely one of many. Whether he was a native Genoshan or a migrant is unclear. He has explained that he had issues with his parents, presumably due to his mutant status (though this was implied not confirmed). Regardless, he was very young and had not even experienced his first kiss before death came to Genosha. Charles Xavier's evil twin sister, Cassandra Nova, unleashed a Sentinel attack on the island, killing Explodey Boy and most of the island's inhabitants.

Death did not prove to be the end for Explodey Boy, however. A new mutant nation formed on the living island of Krakoa. Through sheer ingenuity and power, the mutants figured out a way for their kind to cheat death. Explodey Boy's body was cloned and his “anima,” which had been backed up on a “Cerebro device” was installed in this new body. Explodey Boy seemed intent on not wasting this second chance at life. He attempted a reconciliation with his parents. Though not perfect, it was a work in progress. His efforts had been helped by the mutant nation of Krakoa's revolutionary drugs. The medicines helped cure things like arthritis, which his father was afflicted with, and this consequently humanized mutants to his folks. He also finally had his first kiss with a former crush from his first life, Arachnidor (a mutant with the ability to smell like spiders). He had considered her totally “out of his league” so, when it finally happened, he became so excited he blew them both up. The romance was short lived, however, as he realized he didn't actually like spiders. Life was good for this “new” and improved Explodey Boy.

The “original” Explodey Boy had one last adventure, though. The Scarlet Witch tried to reverse the genocide on Genosha using magic. Her spell went awry and she reanimated the Genoshans… but as zombies. Explodey Boy's corpse was now walking around again, fully articulate with his memories but with an added hunger for flesh. This brief “resurrection” would only last 30 days. Unfortunately for the alien race, the Cotati, on the 29th day they choose Genosha as their staging ground for an invasion of Earth. The Cotati found Explodey Boy in the ruins. Hungry, he detonated himself in an attempt to feed, immediately killing one of their leaders. Soon, a swarm of zombies was attacking the aliens. The X-Men arrived, along with the villainess group Hordeculture, to deal with the aforementioned invasion and were shocked to see millions of zombies. At this point, many of the Cotati had also been turned into zombies. Despite the “hunger,” Explodey Boy did attempt to help the X-Men survive and blew up some Cotati attacking Jamie Madrox. Still a zombie, he did eat the remains of the aliens, including some duplicates of Madrox who had been at the epicenter of the blast.

As the situation on the island worsened, Hank McCoy sent the resurrected Explodey Boy to help. At this point, he had been accepted as a student of the X-Men. Wearing his new X-suit, Explodey Boy flew on his jetpack across the battlefield and found “himself” feeding on some cadavers. It was a surreal experience for both of them. The undead Explodey Boy asked his living self how he was? The living Explodey Boy enthusiastically regaled his undead self of all the good things that had happened to him since he got his, their life back. The undead Explodey Boy asked what now? The living Explodey Boy explained the X-Men were working on resolving the crisis and he would “die” again, so they could simply sit together till it was over if he wanted. The undead Explodey Boy didn't want a benign end like this, not again. He thanked his living self and hoped they would meet again but, if not, it was okay. He took the jetpack and flew towards the largest undead creature, a giant mutated Cotati, and detonated himself just before the spell expired, dying this time a hero's death. Explodey Boy later retrieved his jetpack from the Genoshan ruins but his past self was now dust. [Empyre: X-Men #1-4]

Explodey Boy returned to Krakoa and, despite his novice status, he has seen some notable action. He was drafted by Jean Grey and Cyclops alongside the X-Men when they fought Annihilation and her army of demons and Arakkii mutants in Otherworld. He later helped defend the island from a rampaging Eany (one of Maggott's bugs who was corrupted/growing in size) alongside other X-Men. [X of Swords: Destruction #1, X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #40] Following the events of the third Hellfire Gala, his fate is unknown.
