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Spotlight On...

This Brazilian mutant was disowned by her parents though she managed to find some purpose in her mutant gifts and was narrowly on the verge of finding love before her life appeared to be taken away from her. Still, it wasn't all bad she got to date Tempo for a while! Read here about… BOUNCER!
Classic story. Girl meets boy. Boy gets girl addicted to heroin and forces her into prostitution. Girl develops mutant powers, kills a John and joins the Morlocks.... Okay not a classic story but it is the story of the livewire that is… ELECTRIC EVE!
Mutant powers normally catalyze in moments of severe stress. In this man's case, it was his own suicide attempt that caused his powers to fully emerge. Part of the Chicago Morlocks, he functioned as their conscience and promise for the future, while they fought for something as fundamental as mere survival. Read here about… SHATTER!

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Profiles On... BOUNCER!

In the early 00s, it was a rarity to see the relationships of LGBTQ+ characters depicted in comic books. In 2002, Muties #4 readers were introduced to a fledgling romance between two young Brazilian women that was tragically cut short. Literally over 20 years later, the mutant half of this duo reappeared, finally getting a second chance during the Krakoan Age. Read here about the Bouncer.

Timeline: Earth-2600 (David Richards)

Days of Future Past has remained an iconic story but there were realities where things managed to become even worse than what occurred on Earth-811. In one of the realities visited by the Exiles, the Sentinel regime continued for at least one more generation. Their freedom was hard wrought and won, but what humanity was left of these mutants after years of such abuse? Read here about Earth-2600.

Profile On... ELECTRIC EVE!

This wielder of electricity was introduced originally in an alternate reality glimpsed from X-Men: Millennial Visions #2, only to be introduced in Earh-616 a year later. A rare Marvel creation of Geoff Johns, a writer predominantly associated with some of the biggest stories of the DC universe in the 00s, this “bad” girl gone, not exactly good but... well, she was trying. In many ways, the “big gun” of the Chicago-based Morlocks, this mutant faded into obscurity following her debut, only to pop in prison of all places during X-Men: Gold...read here about Electric Eve.

Profile On... SHATTER!

Fox's short lived "The Gifted" series highlighted many “smaller” characters who never quite became big names in the comics. This mutant, played by Jermaine Rivers, became a leader in the mutant community in the show. However this is not quite what happened in the comics. Created by prolific DC Comics wunderkind, Geoff Johns, this Chicago based Morlock had a much more hopeful outlook than one might have expected given his traumatic life...read here about SHATTER.

Spotlight update on... BANSHEE!

2025 is a big year, celebrating 25 years of UncannyXmen.Net and 50 years since Giant-Size X-Men #1 redefined the franchise. In tribute, we'll be working up to our anniversary in August with a Spotlight Update each month on one of the All-New, All-Different X-Men! Banshee hasn't had overly many appearances since we last touched base in 2017, but he's had a rough time. His recovery from the Apocalypse Seed was a slow process, and his body and trust were horribly abused by Moira MacTaggert in her conflict with Krakoa. Sean had a new purpose in life when he bonded with the Spirit of Variance as Vog Ignis, but this too was a manipulation at the hands of Mother Righteous. That symbiosis was un-written from reality through magic, leaving Banshee's next path unclear.

Spotlight On... RICOCHET!

Today we take a sharp look at Ricochet, formerly of the Slingers and the Avengers Academy! Earlier this year, blindfaith311 won our Unusual Suspects 4 contest, and Ricochet was his choice to receive a Spotlight! Congratulations again, blindfaith311! And hey... did everyone know that Ricochet is the 99th Spotlight for MightyAvengers.net? And, added together, MightyAvengers.net and UncannyXmen.net now have 499 Character Articles between them? It's true! So before Christmas arrives and our content for 2024 comes to a close, be on the look out for next week's monolithic article on the man in the red suit!