New Mutants (4th series) #27

Issue Date: 
September 2022
Story Title: 
The Labors of Magik - Book Three: Begin at the Beginning

Vita Ayala (writer), Rod Reis (artist main story), Jan Duursema (artist flashbacks), Ruth Redmond (colorist flashbacks), VC’s Travis Lanham (letterer), Tom Muller (Design), Leinil francis Yu (cover artist), Betsy Cola; Russell Dautermann & Matthew Wilson, Marcus To (variant covers)Nick Russell (production), Jonathan Hickman (Head of X), Anita Okoye (assistant editor), Sarah Brunstad (editor), Jordan D. White (senior editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor-in-chief), Joe Quesada (chief creative officer), Dan Buckley (publisher), Alan Fine (executive producer)

Brief Description: 

Magik’s quest takes a turn toward the absurd, as she comes face to face with her younger self. It turns out that young Illyana cast a spell, which caused parts of Limbo and its denizens to be transformed into Alice in Wonderland characters. Belasco became the Red King and had Magik’s teammates kidnapped. The two Illyanas team up and try another spell of young Illyana’s – to get a savior, which results in Colossus being teleported to their side. The three of them face the Red King and freeing their friends turns out to be easier than they thought. When Belasco terrorizes young Illyana, Magik gleefully kicks his backside. With the spell over (and Belasco unaware of what transpired), Magik decides to take her younger self with them, consequences to the timeline be damned. Young Illyana, who has guessed her identity, refuses. She is content knowing she will grow up to be her. Later, when the others are gone, she tells the tale to a ghost of her brother.

Full Summary: 

Sometime in the past in Limbo:
Night at Castle Belasco:
Young Illyana Rasputin, Belasco’s prisoner and apprentice, is in the library again, writing something down, something that has given her hope that one day she will free herself of Belasco.

She turns to the animated corpse of her brother, Colossus, and tells hm that she went on an adventure that day and she wrote it down. It has knights and swords and an evil red king and even magic. Would he like to hear? She pretends he answered “yes,” snuggles on his lap and begins to read:

The strange group around Magik found itself attacked by another group of demons and taken prisoner.

Someone shakes Magik, demanding that she wake up. She is in a psychedelic landscape, surrounded by giant mushrooms. Kneeling beside her is a younger version of herself, dressed in a blue Alice dress.

Is she all right? young Illyana demands and observes she looks like her. Magik calls out for Dani and young Illyana informs her that her friends were taken. Magik swears. Illyana explains she tried a big spell to escape from Limbo, to go to the real world, but she muddled it up somehow, and instead the magic reshaped this one. No one remembers who they were before but, even though they are different, they are still the same inside. She made the Red King very angry. It is almost time for the tea party! Magik’s friends were taken by the Red King’s guards… She blames herself for this.

Magik wonders why she doesn’t remember this happening to herself when she was younger… though there is something ticking at her mind. Quickly, she assures her younger self she isn’t to blame. Illyana adds that they are really after her and promises to help her get her friends back. Magik tells her what the Red King does is not her fault. He is a bad person and already was long before this. What Illyana is doing, trying to use magic to escape – when she was younger, she was in the same situation, and that’s how she escaped. Magic isn’t inherently good or bad. It’s just energy and will. The intention of the user determines that. She will make mistakes but, as long as she commits to making things right, she will be ok.

Little Illyana grows hopeful and pipes up she has another spell from the library to try. Magik is nervous, no less so when the girl assures her that she trusts her.

Mirage, Wolfsbane and Madelyne find themselves in separate cells in the Red King’s keep. The Red King (a changed Belasco) informs them they will soon join the tea party and they are all guests of honor. Participation and a sunny disposition are mandatory. Madelyne grumpily translates that means they are all going to get eaten by monsters, they know that right?

Colossus leaves the Sextant when suddenly he notices a strange noise and light. A moment later, he gets drawn into a teleportation portal.

Back in the cells, Mirage suddenly states that she doesn’t think Mr. Sinister being on the Quiet Council is a good idea, referring to Madelyne’s earlier outburst. Unimpressed, Madelyne replies that she would like to sleep now before the fight. Rahne apologizes but they have seen no change in her. They believe in second chances, but…

But not for her, right? Madelyne shouts. Apocalypse and Magneto and Wanda the pretender but not her! What makes her so irredeemable?

Dani snaps back that Madelyne wasn’t responsible for what was done to her, but that doesn’t give her the right to victimize other people! During her original attempt to bring Limbo to Earth, she might have been mad, but she’s done horrible things again and again! Rahne points out that, while the system isn’t perfect, it functions out of a communal desire for justice. Madelyne demands where the justice is in what was done to her?

Dani retorts what she has done isn’t “just” either and, to give her the power over a hell dimension when she hasn’t taken responsibility of her deeds. She believes having Sinister on the Council is a mistake, but he doesn’t have sole say. And she would. Madelyne mocks, if she would be more palatable, if she was more pious to the new gods of Krakoa and committed horrible deeds in Xavier’s name?

The goblin’s story:
The little goblin and the Mad Hatter found the large steel knight, once they had cast the spell. To the little goblin, he was the greatest hero, the dragonslayer she wanted to be. The Mad Hatter was less enthusiastic. There was a history of pain between them. They traveled together, the two adults not talking to each other.

Colossus and the two Illyanas are heading for the Red King’s castle. Two demons dressed as Pages of Sword welcome them into the palace garden.

Young Illyana, carried by Colossus, is nervous. Piotr shushes her and tells her sometimes it is best to let your adversary believe you are playing into their hands. That way they underestimate you.

They are led to a giant chess board. The three prisoners are tied to stakes on the chessboard. Belasco, the Red King sits in the background, grinning.

Madelyne snarls if they seriously just walked into a trap. Maybe Magik’s friends are right to be worried about her judgment!

The Red King leers that they walked into his trap. While he continues ranting about young Illyana’s power, Magik rolls her eyes. Always with the monologuing, it never fails… Colossus puts young lllyana down and asks her to stay where she is.

Red King continues, noting he had no idea how much power truly lay in such a small vessel. It goes beyond his wildest hopes. He had planned to kill her friends in front of her. But he thinks there is too much potential in her. He’d best keep them around for experiments…

Madelyne scoffs that he is like some bad children’s books character.

Magik gets ready to kick the Red King’s ass. Illyana holds her back and explains, the spell brought Colossus as their hero, so he needs to do it. Colossus politely asks if it is alright if he helps. Well, get to it, “hero,” Magik snaps then sighs and suggests he get the Red King while she frees the others.

Magik races toward the others and Madelyne wryly observes it is shocking how quickly this little tangent has resolved itself. Sarcasm later, Magik orders, but Madelyne actually means it. Surprised, Magik thanks her and adds that Belasco made it easy. Rahne observes that he never understood that Illyana bested him as a child, so he stands no chance against her now.

The Red King stands surprised and his guards abandon him, as Colossus gets close to attack. Before Colossus can strike, the Red King hits him with a magically created arm. With a dark smile, he announces he beat many as him and fed them to his servants as playthings. His eyes fall on little Illyana and he leers that she is special. She’s led him on a merry chase, he states with a threatening grin, making him think she didn’t like his company. That isn’t the case, is it? Illyana wilts and begs for mercy.

Magik is busy freeing Dani. When she hears the young girl’s scream, she goes ballistic, about to enjoy what she is going to do again! She attacks with a spell which the Red King repels, realizing that her magic is powerful but somehow diffused. He has no use for someone so fractured.

Nevertheless, she makes his way closer, holding his attention and allowing Dani to spirit away small lllyana. She manifests what is left of her soulsword and gets ready to strike.

The goblin’s tale:
The Mad Hatter faced the greatest enemy. Wishing to kill him but aware that this would damage all that is to come She does what she can by cleaving the spell and memories from the fiend’s mind, hoping it will help the little goblin in days to come when she will fight him.

The Alice spell is over. Illyana and the heroes (and only they) stand in a room of Belasco’s castle. While the others bring Colossus up to speed on what happened before, little Illyana thankfully hugs her older self. Madelyne and Dani point out they cannot stay here for fear of damaging the timeline, while little Illyana runs into Colossus’ arms. They smile and hug and tell each other how much they missed each other. Piotr wishes he could be with her and keep her safe always. She laughs and tells him he is and he does, while looking at adult Illyana who stands there somewhat forlorn. He gives her a kiss on the cheek and whispers in Russian that he loves her so much and no matter what, he always will.

Little Illyana takes her adult self by the hand, telling her she has something for her. In her hands, she has a golden, acorn-like thing. She explains she tried so hard to make an acorn, but it never worked, but this is something she made. It is not much, but it gives her hope she will be able to leave one day. Touched, Magik refuses. Illyana needs that hope. She cannot take it. Illyana strictly tells her she is giving it to her. And it is hers too anyway. She figured out who she is and she meant what she said. She can do anything!

Making a decision, Magik tells her friends they are taking little Illyana with them. Dani reminds her gently that she herself said they can’t do that. Magik doesn’t care. She can’t leave her here! She can’t do that to her – to herself – again! Little Illyana stubbornly announces, she is not going anywhere. Magik warns her she doesn’t know what’s in store for her if she stays. Illyana argues that Magik got strong enough to free herself – so will she. Magik says in a small voice she doesn’t want young Illyana to grow into her. Illyana reminds her she can’t take her. But it’s alright. Magik has already saved both of them, and she would be proud to become her. The two hug and share a moment, then Magik teleports her group away, leaving the young girl behind.

Very soon, Belasco joins her. He touches her shoulder and asks where she’s been. He’s been looking for her all night.

She’s been right here, she replies aggressively.

Sometime later:
Illyana finishes her story to the corpse of Colossus. She tells him that no one else remembers what happened and even her memory is fading, so she had to write it down. She hides the book. She knows he cannot really hear or understand her but she wanted to tell him what happened. She wanted to let him know he is still her hero, keeping her safe! She knows that raising a shade of her brother is an abomination, but she could not help herself. She had to see him, tell him one last time. Illyana tells him she loves him but she knows she has to grow up now. She releases him from the spell. The shade leaves the corpse shedding one last tear and the little girl is left alone in the library.

Characters Involved: 

Magik, Mirage, Wolfsbane (New Mutants)
Goblin Queen

Younger Illyana

Belasco / Red King

Story Notes: 

Text pages include:
Recipe for summoning a savior

Further notes:
Continuity mistake: Actually, young Illyana tried the magical creation of an acorn for the first time in Magik #3, which has to take place after this story.

Written By: