Publication Date: 15th Oct 2024
Written By: Blanchett.
Image Work: Blanchett.


Hanna Levy was a mutant. However, unlike much of the X-Men, her “powers” were not exactly useful. Hanna, the self-dubbed, “Lizard lady,” had a prehensile tongue and a seeming requirement to eat insects. Despite her mutation, she was a respected “academic,” with a degree in social history and a role as a researcher for the North American Historical Review. Hanna was one of the many mutants who flocked to New York's “Mutant-Town” or “District X,” which sprung up in Manhattan's, Alphabet City. Hanna lived on McCarthy Avenue, in the same apartment building as the mysterious “Mr. M.” The two formed a friendship of sorts. He would do odd jobs for her, fix her appliances etc., while she did things like keep him company and bake him pies. Despite their friendship and his consistent aid to her, Hanna was somewhat unsettled by Mr. M's strange powers. He seemed to “know things” in ways that did not make sense to her. For example, one time, when she broke her toaster, he knew the type of bread that had burned. Additionally, he never asked her questions about her own life, though she wished he would. [District X #2]

Mr. M continued to confide in Hanna. He accidentally killed a mobster in defense of a child called the Toad Boy. He explained he had the ability to completely control all matter, though he didn't always have perfect control. Hanna was dumbfounded and couldn't help but laugh; all that power and he was simply fixing her toaster. What a waste. Her reaction shifted a few moments after, as he recalled to her further fatal mishaps from his time in Europe as a child. [District X #3] A short time later, Mr. M phased through her apartment door. He had been mistakenly accused of fondling Chamayra Ortega, the daughter of a local detective. The incident had scandalized his mind further and, reflecting on the plethora of disasters of his life, the mentally unstable man now saw himself as a purifier of the lost souls who were living in Mutant-Town. Even in this state, he could not bear to bring himself to hurt Hanna and made her run out of her apartment, giving her thirty minutes to flee the area and save herself.

When Hanna got outside of her apartment, she came across Bishop and Detective Ortega. She told them of Mr. M's plan and that she thought he had the power to do it. Bishop met with Mr. M as he started to unleash his energies and, with great strain, he started to absorb them. The detective had gone to “Lara the Illusionist” and asked her to create an illusion that Mr. M had succeeded in his destructive whim, horrifying him. It was then Hanna's turn to play her part. Hanna appeared out of the “ruins” of Mutant Town and, with Mr. M having seen the destruction he “caused,” asking him if he would reverse it. Mr. M said he was sorry and that he would. Hanna told him to look around as Lara dropped her illusion. In the aftermath, Mr. M was arrested. Bishop and the detective thought that he would run away but Hanna knew otherwise; he had nowhere to go. [District X #6]

Mr. M was released from prison when it was established that he had not attacked Chamayra. Hannah opted initially to keep her distance but changed her mind when she found out that Mr. M had nearly been killed by an anti-mutant terrorist.  In fact, he woke up to her kind and smiling face from his hospital bed, the distance between the two now gone again. [District X #7-8]

Hanna was one of the many mutants depowered by the Scarlet Witch during M-Day. Unfortunately, the effects seemed to result in her suffering a full, mental breakdown. She was found by Bishop and Charlotte Jones in her apartment firing her gun at the insects she previously used to eat. She thought they were trying to feast upon her in retribution for all their devoured brethren. Bishop and Charlotte managed to get her gun from her and they brought her to Bellevue Hospital for psychiatric evaluation/care. [Decimation: House of M - The Day After #1]

As Hanna had been by his bedside during his hospitalization, Mr. M sought her out during her “illness.” Hanna told Mr. M she believed that the hospital staff were trying to poison her and put bugs in her food. She said they were grounding them up to trick her. She no longer wanted to be the “lizard lady.” Her tongue was simply too small now, which she demonstrated by sticking it out. Mr. M put his hand on the back of her head; whether it was his affectionate gesture or an affect of his power, Hanna at least temporarily regained her lucidity. Mr. M told her she could return to her apartment; he had cleaned it for her, no more bugs. She thanked him but told him he needed to help the others, the mutants who had not changed like her, the ones who kept their powers. Mr. M took her words to heart and became a bigger fixture in mutant politics thereafter. Where or what Hanna Levy is doing right now is currently unknown. She may have simply returned to her life as a researcher. [X-Men: The 198 #1]