OGUN: Page 2 of 3

Publication Date: 11th Jul 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


Years would pass before Ogun’s ninja magic allowed his spirit to return. His demon mask served as the focal point for his black arts, and it reconstituted itself only to be displayed alongside his katana at the Metropolitan Museum. Ghost Rider sensed the coming of Ogun’s spirit and brought Wolverine to confront his resurgent sensei. Ogun used an aspect of Logan’s own soul to animate his demon mask and a suit of armor. At one point, he threw away his katana as if to surrender, but it was actually a trap to draw Logan under the expertly thrown blade as it fell. Wolverine realized Ogun’s trickery and avoided it, slashing apart the ancient warrior’s avatar in the process. Ogun’s spirit disappeared, but Wolverine now knew his old friend and foe had returned to the mortal plane. [Wolverine (2nd series) #89]

When he next surfaced, Ogun sought a mysterious puzzle box once protected by the Chaste and which was left in Logan’s custody by Landau, Luckman & Lake. Ogun first tried to tempt Logan, offering to bring his lost love Mariko Yashida back to life in exchange for the box. When that failed, Ogun used a series of hosts as puppets to assault his former pupil and seek the box’s contents. He even temporarily managed to possess Jean Grey, but she soon forced him out. Ogun next possessed Logan’s new friend, Helen Bach, but Phoenix confronted him on the astral plane and defeated Ogun in mental combat. Lady Deathstrike also sought the box, and so a weakened Ogun pivoted to inhabit her as a host, using Deathstrike to escape so he could make plans to capture his prize again later. [Wolverine (2nd series) #111-114]

Ogun was also fixated on the one who got away; his Shadowcat named Katherine Pryde. When Kitty’s team Excalibur passed through Japan, Ogun couldn’t resist trying to reclaim his protégé. His spirit entered Shadowcat’s body at dinner and used the skills he taught her to fight with Excalibur. Her current lover Pete Wisdom proved to be a harder man than Ogun expected, however. Wisdom knew Kitty would prefer death over being used to harm her friends, and made Ogun believe he was willing to kill her body in order to stop Ogun. The ninja master fled his host, preferring to return for Pryde another day. [Excalibur (1st series) #111]

Through his time with the cybernetic Lady Deathstrike, Ogun learned how to possess machines as well as people. He integrated his consciousness into the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, becoming a “gremlin” in the system which caused numerous security failures and system malfunctions. Ogun ensured that command protocols for the Helicarrier were accessible only to the bio-metric patterns of Kitty Pryde, compelling S.H.I.E.L.D. to recruit her aid. Once Kitty was on-board the Helicarrier, Ogun revealed his presence as he completely controlled the environment. He also virtually duplicated Kitty’s voice for a phone call to lure Logan onto the ship as well. Ogun passed through several hosts, partially leaving the Helicarrier’s systems to re-possess Kitty and later her new associate, Rigby Fallon. In order to save Rigby, Kitty challenged Ogun to a duel on the astral plane. She proved that life was still stronger than death and chose not to kill Ogun after defeating him. This mercy allowed the ninja master to experience a glimpse of the honor he once held, and the shamed Ogun dissipated without any further conflict. [Kitty Pryde: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1-3]

Still corrupted, Ogun began moving from host to host, searching for a body which could help him take final revenge against Logan. He found an amazing fighter known simply as Mr. X, a prolific serial killer and incredible physical specimen with a limited telepathic ability to anticipate his opponents in action. Unfortunately, this ability made X resistant to Ogun’s possession, and so instead the ninja revenant entered the mind of Mr. X’s Samoan enforcer, Blok. Ogun became dormant inside the mind of Blok in order to avoid detection but resurfaced slightly in order to guide Mr. X into conflict with Wolverine. X was intrigued by Logan’s frequent claim of being “the best there is” and became obsessed with scoring a definitive victory against him. [Wolverine (2nd series) #159-161]

Mr. X was the reigning champion of Madripoor’s Bloodsport Tournament, and he arranged an invitation for Logan. While he technically defeated Logan under the terms of the match, X discovered his telepathic skill utterly failed him against Logan’s berserker instincts. Ogun moved on from Blok and Mr. X after this as well, passing between a series of hosts in Lowtown to cause murder and chaos, drawing out Wolverine. Viper, princess of Madripoor, called upon Logan as her arranged husband to help bring order back to her city. They failed to work well together, though, as Logan took care not to kill the innocent victims Ogun was jumping between during his possessions. However, Ogun made a critical mistake when he assumed there was the slightest affection between husband and wife. Possessing Viper only allowed Wolverine to strike out at Ogun without restraint. Driven from her dying body on an abandoned dock, Ogun had no one nearby to transit into, and his spirit fled. [Wolverine (2nd series) #167-169]

Ogun returned as he once again sought to possess his former protégé, Kitty Pryde. His pupil had grown even stronger in his absence, however, and Ogun was driven from Kitty’s mind. Ogun flitted between several minds in Chicago where Kitty was living as he was pursued by Kitty and her allies, Wolverine and Storm’s federally-deputized team of X-Men. This chase was complicated by the intrusion of the anti-mutant activists Purity and their super-powered muscle, Galerer. Ogun tried and failed to claim the mind of Rachel Summers before moving on to Purity’s strongman, Beasty-Brute. Finally, Ogun interfaced with Purity’s growing mini-Sentinel called Scrap, believing it would give him the strength to win. Instead, the Phoenix returned with a vengeance and tore him apart, body and soul. [X-Treme X-Men (3rd series) #1-5]

[Note: As is typical, writer Chris Claremont ignored all continuity except his own in the above limited series. He presented Ogun as having hidden away in Kitty’s mind ever since the Kitty Pryde & Wolverine series, despite multiple appearances since then. This is an error.]

Though Ogun was gone for a time, his influence continued to creep into the life of Kitty Pryde. The Path of Destiny was now led by his former pupil Nao, and she tried to snare Pryde in a game of deceit and death. Kitty was lured to Japan and misled that Ogun’s clan wanted her as their new leader… so long as she went along with the Path’s plans. Nao always intended to betray Kitty to bring greater glory to the Path of Destiny, and Pryde worked with the JDSS and Clan Yashida to stop the Path’s plans. [X-Men: Kitty Pryde – Shadow and Flame #1-5] A more dubious legacy for Ogun came from the Yamaguchi-Kai Clan of the Yakuza, somewhat foolish gangsters who claimed to follow Ogun as their radiant master. Ogun raised the foundling twins Sojobo-Tengu and Karasu-Tengu within the clan. Ogun’s successors demanded they used their mutant spiritualist powers for the Yakuza until David Haller stepped in and freed them of their obligations. [X-Men: Legacy (2nd series) #3]

Ogun resurfaced when he heard Logan and others were being hunted for their Adamantium. He took up the contract for Abraham Cornelius to hunt these targets as a test of his skill. He killed Cyber and provoked a fight with his other former protégé, Lady Deathstrike, before focusing on Logan. Kitty Pryde came searching for Logan and Ogun managed to snare her mind in a distracted moment. Ogun presented himself to Wolverine in Kitty’s body at first, though he ultimately couldn’t resist revealing his presence. Ogun miscalculated, and discovered he could not fight Logan physically while also restraining Katherine psychically. His spirit was badly weakened and forced to abandon Kitty Pryde in favor of a new host. [Death of Wolverine #2-3]

Doctor Cornelius worked for the Arcadia Corporation at a hidden lab site called Paradise. In addition to Adamantium, he also wanted to replicate Logan’s healing factor to aid in his research. Arcadia was producing a new generation of super-powered beings, but the testing process was unfeasible and fatal. Cornelius wanted to isolate and chemically reproduce the healing factor through his Regen serum to keep his test subjects alive. One of Cornelius’ experiments was a man named Major Sharp. Little was known about Sharp’s past, but he was apparently a squad leader in Delta Force who lost his entire unit in combat and went searching for a new direction in life. Instead, he was augmented and controlled by Cornelius as an attack dog when Logan finally tracked down Paradise. Wolverine beat Sharp in combat, dismantled Cornelius’ lab, and finally killed the mad doctor before dying himself, covered in a layer of cooling molten Adamantium. [Death of Wolverine #4]