David Alleyne
6’ 1”
187 lbs.
New Mutants (2nd series) #4
Christopher (father), Dorothy (mother), Kim (sister)
Investigator, former student, office temp worker
X-Factor Investigations, New Mutants squad,
New X-Men training squad, Young Avengers, Champions
• Psychomimetic power accumulates learned knowledge
and skills from people around him (ranging from languages,
fighting styles, to educational disciplines) for as long as
he remains in their immediate vicinity, in addition to the
specific reflex memory of individuals and giving him the
ability to intuitively predict their next moves
• Stored accumulated knowledge awakened in his
mind by the Stepford Cuckoos, giving him permanent
access to the knowledge of anyone he met with his power prior to the Decimation
• Goggles contain a Head’s-Up Display of accessible information, usually capable of wireless internet access and searches as well as the special files of the X-Men