Amahl Farouk
Evil One, Ananasi,
the Spider,
inhabited or posed
as others, such as
Karma, Legion,
Alexander Flynn,
Jacob Reisz, etc.
6’ 1”
330 lbs.
Brown (all Farouk)
X-Men (1st series) #117
Unnamed father (deceased)
Crimelord, bar owner,
malevolent force
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Gladiators, Shadow-X
• Telepath able to read minds, project his thoughts to others or his awareness to distant events, cast illusions which alter perceptual reality, access the astral plane and manipulate the substance of its reality, convert astral energy into tangible matter in order to heal physical wounds, release psychic attacks to cause pain, paralysis, and unconsciousness, and control people in various ways, from direct domination of their will and actions to a trained form of psychic corruption which releases inner darkness and selfish desires while aligning the target with his goals, making them believe they willingly serve him