Publication Date: 19th Sep 2024
Written By: Blanchett.
Image Work: Blanchett.
Alternate Versions


To date, only one alternate version of Strobe has appeared. Cable assassinated Professor X, Jean Grey and Cyclops, leading to schism in the X-Men at a time in which their enemies were legion. Those who remained loyal to Professor X's dream were led by Storm, while Wolverine sought revenge, eventually killing Cable. Deciding it now time to unify the surviving mutants, Magneto attacked and killed Stryfe, taking control of Strobe and the rest of the MLF.  Magneto led Strobe and rest of his mutant army against the White House and conquered the nation’s capital, despite resistance from the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. The act prompted the United States to restart the Sentinel program. Mutants and other superhumans quickly fell nationwide, though Magneto initially managed to hold Washington D.C. His bravado was his undoing, as a nuclear weapon was inside one of the Sentinels as he destroyed it. The impact presumably killed Strobe, along with most of Washington. [What If..? (2nd series) #46-47]