Daken: Dark Wolverine - Empire

TPB Type: 
First Published: 
ISBN Number: 
978-0-7851-4705-3 (Premiere HC)

Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu (Writers); Giuseppe Camuncoli, Will Conrad, Mirco Pierfederici (Artists)

Brief Description: 

or decades, Daken, the son of Wolverine, remained hidden in the shadows of the Marvel Universe, methodically plotting how he would one day dominate the world around him. And now, with his father's soul hanging in the balance, that day has come. This is the beginning.

Issues Reprinted: 

Dark Wolverine #90; Daken: Dark Wolverine #1-4; Wolverine: The Road To Hell


Only the second story from Wolverine: The Road To Hell is collected in this volume.

Last Updated: 
22nd March 2018 by Dean Clayton