Roster: Icegirl, Rhino, Blob, Toad, Havok, Leech, Doctor Octopus, Beast, Rachel Summers, Emma Frost, Hank Pym, Captain America
Leadership: Hank Pym
Squad Leaders: Captain America, Powerfist
Unclear Status: Thor, Juggernaut
Confirmed deceased: Daredevil, Spider-Woman
Note: While not expressly stated it appeared that these Avengers were essentially a “conscription” of all remaining superhumans as based on the flashback panels which appeared to show similar 1980s/1990s style Marvel Universe which had X-Men, Fantastic Four and Avengers as separate entities. Interestingly, the team was more of a mashup of Spider-Man villains/X-Men and featured very few Avengers mainstays.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #20
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #20-22, 34, 66
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, dexterity, and acrobatic prowess, enhanced senses and razor edged claws
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with superhuman strength, endurance, and durability, blubbery mass able to absorb all forms of punishment, could generate personal gravity fields that extended underneath his feet and into the ground, making him immovable
- Blob was infected with the Vi-Lock virus in Exiles (1st series) #21 by Man-Spider. His fate is unknown.
Captain America
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #20
All Avengers (8545) appearances: None, only mentioned off-panel in Exiles (1st series) #34
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with the Super-Soldier serum providing peak human strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, senses, immune system, longevity, and recuperative powers, steel & Vibranium alloy discus shield
- Captain America was seen among the Vi-Locks in Exiles (1st series) #20. He was mentioned as cured in Exiles (1st series) #34. Spider-Woman felt he had a bad attitude but Sunfire remarked that he was probably traumatized from his experience while infected and acting out.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, blind but with hyper-senses enhanced his sense of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and a radar sense detecting his environment in all directions, carries a billy club
- Birth listed as 1969 on his tombstone,
- Death confirmed in Exiles: Days of Then and Now #1. Causality of war against the Vi-Locks following the establishment of a cure.
- Daredevil was unmasked in this reality, possibly given the state of the world he saw no reason to retain his secret identity.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22, 66
Powers: Presumably similar to Earth-616's Toad, displayed superhuman strength, agility and leaping
- Frog appeared to be connected to Toad in someway. Possibly she was his counterpart, a sibling or daughter. Frog's age was ambiguous.
- She was seen with dripping liquid on her skin. This may have been intended to imply that she possessed Toad's other ability to secrete a mucus resin that caused paralysis to those who it touched.
Emma Frost
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances:Exiles (1st series) #21-22
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with telepathic abilities to read minds, communicate long distance, cast illusions, and influence behavior and memories
- Emma Frost was crippled in this reality, possibly this was meant to infer she had a similar role to Professor X with this team.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22, 34
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, able to absorb cosmic energy, such as starlight, x-rays, and gamma rays, then metabolize them into plasma wave discharges that can be used to superheat and destroy objects
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22, 34, 66
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616's Iceman, able to transform body into ice form and generate ice blasts and ice constructs.
- Icegirl was likely connected to Iceman in someway. Possibly she was his counterpart or more likely given that she seemed to be depicted as a teen, she was his daughter.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22
Powers: Uncertain; Emma Frost mentioned Leech had telepathic abilities, implying he could absorb powers in this reality instead of merely dampening them
- Leech was a grown man in this reality. On the core reality he is a child. It seems that his placement was to imply that the conflict with the heroes and the conflict had taken place over a long period of time.
Doctor Octopus
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21-22
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with psion particles linking him to a set of mechanical tentacles, possessing superhuman strength and exceptional dexterity
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances:Exiles (1st series) #21-22, 34, 66, Exiles: Days of Then and Now #1
Powers: Seemingly a combination of the powers of Earth-616's Luke Cage and Iron Fist; superhuman strength, endurance, and invulnerability and ability to generate a flaming fist
- Powerfist appeared to be an amalgamation of Luke Cage and his longtime colleague and friend Iron Fist.
- Though Powerfist left his reality in Exiles: Days of Then and Now #1, as his team included Wild Child who was later shown to have been returned to his home reality in Uncanny X-Force (1st series) it is plausible that Powerfist completed his mission and was returned home.
Doctor Hank Pym
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #20
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #20-22, 34, 66
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, although no size-changing was actually demonstrated
- Hank Pym led the remaining heroes of Earth against the Vi-Locks.
- “Giant Man” was seen among the Vi-Locks in one of Hank Pym's signature looks. This may have been an artist error or someone else occupied the role in this universe such as Bill Foster.
Rachel Summers
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22, 34, 66
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, including exceptional telepathic and telekinetic abilities
- Some online sources list this version of Rachel as a mystic. While she may have had mystical talents, contextually it appeared she was using the magic books as conduits for her mutant gift of telepathy so she could communicate with Asgard as opposed to literal sorcery.
- Rachel considered herself her world's most powerful telepath but she had “mommy issues” and felt she was a pale comparison of her (implied late) mother Jean Grey. Jean was not shown among the Vi-Locks and may have succumbed to the Legacy Virus prior to their creation. A long red haired woman was seen tending to a sick Cyclops in Exiles (1st series) #21, that may have been Jean Grey.
- It was unclear if this Rachel had traveled from another reality or was born on Earth 8545. Given that the Morlock, Leech appeared to be fully grown man, it seems likely that Rachel was born to Cyclops and Jean Grey of Earth-8545 and grew to adulthood during the Vi-Lock crisis.
- The Rachel Summers who features in mainstream X-Men comics is originally from Earth-811. She has been retconned to be a multiversal anomaly and unique in the multiverse in Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #462 and Knights of X #4 respectively. Other versions of Rachel Summers are now stated to be different women/girls who simply hold the same name. Conceptually this idea does not really hold up to scrutiny particularly if you factor in the realities seen in Marvel's What If series, however for this particular “Rachel” it does not impact the story one way or another if she was is a “true” counterpart of Earth-811 Rachel Summers or another daughter of Scott/Jean of the same name.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #21
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #21-22, 34, 66
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with superhuman strength, foot speed, endurance, and durability provided by radiation and personal enhancement armored skin
Spider-Woman (Mary Jane Watson)
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #20
All Avengers (8545) appearances:Exiles (1st series) #20-22, 34, 66, Exiles: Days of Then and Now #1, Spider-Verse (1st series) #1
Powers: Presumably the same abilities of Spider-man such as proportionate strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes of a spider, wall-crawling. If she also possessed a spider-sense or ability to generate webs, this was not shown.
- A short haired woman in a generic “Spider-Man” costume was killed by Morlun in Spider-Ver
se #1. Interestingly she was not identified in the comic itself as this version of Spider-Woman. It was confirmed in a later handbook, Secret Wars: Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse #1.
- MJ considered Sunfire the love of her life. [Exiles (1st series) #66]
- MJ said she realized she was gay very early on. She said she had a crush on her first grade teacher and went around telling people she was going to marry her one day. She said this set off alarm bells to her parents about her sexuality though she didn't imply that they had any particular issues with it. [Exiles (1st series) #34].
- MJ may have had some celebrity as their was a billboard for a production called Spidermania on the Las Vegas strip in Exiles (1st series) #20. The production was said to have the stylings of Brian Bendis, an obvious nod to the prolific Marvel writer of the 00s, Brian Michael Bendis. A musical dedicated to Spider-Man debuted on Broadway in 2011 though it was not well received.
- What connection she had to Man-Spider (who was seen among the Vi-Locks) in this reality, if any, was never clarified.
Unclear Status
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #20
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #34
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, possessing unlimited strength, endurance and invulnerability to physical harm, ability to retain forward momentum, rendering him unstoppable while in motion, generate an inertia-canceling force field, mystical helmet makes him immune to psychic attacks
- Interestingly Juggernaut was in an off yellow outfit as opposed to his traditional red.
- Juggernaut was seen among the Vi-Locks in Exiles (1st series) #20 and later among the Avengers in Exiles (1st series) #34. It seems that he was one of the first cured.
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #22
All Avengers (8545) appearances: Exiles (1st series) #34
Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, with superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, resistance to physical injury, increased lifespan, sensitive to the prayers of his worshippers, wields MJolnir, an enchanted uru hammer only lifted by those who were worthy, returns to his grasp when thrown, allows for flight, can summon the elements of the storm such as wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, open portals through space and dimensions
- When we met the Avengers again in Exiles (1st series) #34, he is seen among them. It seems likely that he joined the team.
- A Vi-Lock, Thor was seen in the background of Exiles: Days of Then and Now #1. This was likely an artist error given his appearance in Exiles (1st series) #34 coincided with this time period. Also given the vaccine is based on Asgardian DNA he may actually be immune.
Confirmed Infected: Forge (Leader), Nova, Sauron, Captain Britain, Cyclops, Jubilee, Gambit, Dr Doom, Scorpion, Mr Fantastic, Hulk, Human Torch, Nightcrawler, Karnak, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Orphan, Thing, Quicksilver, Wolverine, Colossus, Ironman, Medusa, Abomination, Aurora, Northstar, She-Hulk, Deathlok, Vision, Blackbolt, Giant-Man, Sabretooth, Rogue, Dracula, Scorpion, Angel, Hawkeye, Bullseye, Moon Knight, Dr Strange, Black Widow, Black Panther, Green Goblin, Dr Doom, Man-Spider
Destroyed: Cypher/Warlock
Cured: Blink (Exiles), Captain America and Juggernaut (both cured off-panel by Exiles (1st series) #34
Abilities of all infected Vi-Locks: Transmit Vi-Lock Virus via touch/vomit, convert biomechanical physical structure into various shapes such as talons, whips etc. Communicate via a hive mind. Convert organic matter into techno-organic matter to feed upon. All Vi-Locks retain the powers of their host.
Important Members:
First appearance: Exiles (1st series) #20
Unique Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, intuitively translates any languages he comes into contact with, including written, spoken, or computer, reads body language, tracks data patterns, etc.
- Despite being the first Vi-Lock infected he did not occupy a leadership role among them. His body was preserved in stasis until it was destroyed by Forge in an attempt to prevent the creation of a cure for the virus.
First appearance: Exiles (1st Series) #20
Unique Powers: Presumably equivalent to Earth-616, mechanical energy perceptions and intuitive genius allow him to conceive, design, build, modify, disassemble, and countermand machinery
- Following his infection's Forge's mutant abilities made him a natural leader among the Vi-Locks and he quickly ascended to this position.
First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man (2nd series) #30
Powers: Leech-based totem being with superhuman strength, agility, endurance, reflexes, resistance to physical injury, healing factor, totem hunter abilities to sense and feed off of the life energy of others, especially the human-animal hybrid beings known as "totems"
- Killed the group's Spider-Woman.
- Mary Jane and the other Spider-Men and women were avenged by Earth-616 spider-based heroine Silk, who killed Morlun.