Publication Date: 17th Feb 2025

BIOGRAPHY - page 1

Cerise is a native of the planet Shaskofrugnon, one of many planets in the galaxy ruled by the alien Shi’ar. Little has been revealed about her home planet, though Cerise has mentioned that neither males nor females on her planet form emotional bonds. She was startled to see children on Earth as her people emerge fully grown from the Source, which may be some form of artificial procreation. [Excalibur (1st series) #63]

Sometime after she emerged from the Source, Cerise became a warrior of the Grand Jhar and served as a navigator on a Shi’ar encruitment ship. Their mission was to recruit planets in the outlying regions of the star system to join the Shi’ar Empire. Cerise’s commanding officer C’Efn was a cruel man who preferred to recruit new races through brutal shows of force, rather than peaceful enlightenment as was their charter. During Cerise’s first mission aboard the S.G.E. encruitment ship, she watched in horror as C’Efn destroyed the ruling city of the Knsashii, a peace-loving porpoise-like people. Cerise confronted C’Efn who laughed at her compassion and naiveté and ordered her back to the ship. At that moment, Cerise knew that she had to do something to stop C’Efn before he destroyed more worlds.

Despite her objections, C’Efn continued his attack on the planet. Cerise watched helplessly as millions were slaughtered. She had failed to save the Knsashiians but had a plan to ensure that no further worlds suffered. Cerise programmed the ship’s navigational computers to pilot it into a nearby sun. She recorded a confession accepting responsibility for the death of her crewmates, donned a deep space suit and escaped in a shuttle. Cerise had intended to pilot herself to the nearest Shi’ar outpost and inform Empress Lilandra of C’Efn’s campaign of terror. But in the course of making her escape, Cerise’s craft was hit by a solar flare and thrown off course. She passed through a stargate and found herself in orbit around Earth. [Excalibur (1st series) #69-70]

Teleporting to the surface, Cerise arrived in the lighthouse home of Excalibur. Her explosive arrival and the decidedly alien appearance of her armor led the Technet, who were training with Nightcrawler, to attack her. Cerise defended herself while trying not to harm the Technet. When Nightcrawler recognized this and tried communicating with the intruder, Cerise removed her helmet and introduced herself. She asked which of the various creatures present represented the planet’s dominant species. Nightcrawler replied “Humans.” Ironically, Cerise looked more human than any of them. Cerise fabricated a story regarding her arrival there, portraying herself as a stranded explorer from a distant system seeking fun and adventure. [Excalibur (1st series) #46-47]

Cerise was accepted at her word and joined Excalibur. She proved herself a capable fighter and loyal teammate against threats such as Necrom and the Crazy Gang. As part of the team, Cerise began to learn about Earth’s culture and human behavior. During a party, she saw both Courtney Ross and Meggan kiss Captain Britain passionately. She innocently asked Nightcrawler if “lip massage” was an important Earth custom. After he replied that it was and highly enjoyable, she grabbed Kurt and kissed him with great enthusiasm, agreeing that it was enjoyable. This was not the only “lip massage” that the pair shared. Kurt realized that Cerise had much to learn about the world and took it upon himself to introduce her to all the wonders that Earth had to offer. [Excalibur (1st series) #55]

Cerise was soon plagued by a series of violent nightmares, filled with otherworldly images of her in battle with a deadly winged dark elf wielding twin swords. Convinced that these dreams had a deeper meaning and determined to put an end to them, Cerise led Excalibur in a hunt for the source. This led them to a castle inhabited by an aged wizard calling himself Ghath. No sooner had he welcomed them in than the castle was attacked by Khaos, the sword-wielding elf from Cerise’s nightmares. Excalibur handily defeated Khaos and took him to Braddock Manor for questioning. Ghath thanked them for defeating his would-be assassin and vowed to do his best not to disturb Cerise’s dreams further.

Cerise did not completely believe Ghath’s claims and demanded to hear Khaos’ side of things. He revealed that Ghath and he were from an alternate Earth ruled by technomagicks. Ghath was an evil sorcerer who had stranded them both in this dimension. Cerise returned to Ghath’s castle to investigate. There she saw Ghath’s true colors and engaged him in battle. His magicks overwhelmed her and she was captured.  Khaos escaped and followed Cerise to Ghath’s castle where he freed her. Together, Cerise and Khaos tried to stop Ghath. Excalibur soon noticed the absence of both Cerise and their prisoner and joined the fray. The team had Ghath on the ropes when he finally achieved his goal of opening a portal home. Khaos followed Ghath and to everyone’s surprise, Cerise jumped through the portal as well. Excalibur followed and helped to turn the tide in the fight to depose the evil wizard. Khaos thanked them for their aid and arranged to have them sent home. Cerise bid him farewell and gave him a “lip massage,” much to Nightcrawler’s chagrin. Excalibur was returned to the rightful place. To their surprise, Khaos was transported as well due to some lingering aspect of the spell that originally brought him to Earth. Cerise encouraged him to join Excalibur but he refused, leaving to find a means of returning home. [Excalibur Annual #1]

While the prisoners of the nefarious Cloud Nine facility, Cerise admitted her growing feelings for Nightcrawler. She was confused by her longing to be with him and the ache she felt inside when they were apart. Clearly these emotions were foreign to Cerise but she was relieved to learn that Kurt shared her feelings. Their teammates were somewhat surprised at their sudden romance but had little time to voice any concerns as the team was soon wrapped up in yet another adventure across time and space. [Excalibur (1st series) #65]

The new couple had little time to enjoy their blossoming relationship. Their teammate Captain Britain was lost in time following their adventures in Rachel’s future. Cerise was unaware of Earth’s mourning customs and did not understand Kurt’s suddenly somber attitude and the lack of affection that came with it. They did not get a chance to resolve this conflict due to a sudden attack by the space-faring Starjammers. They had come under the commands of Shi’ar Majestrix Lilandra to retrieve one of the empire’s most notorious war criminals: Cerise. At first, Excalibur believed they were after Phoenix and were shocked to learn from Cerise herself that she was the one the Starjammers had come to apprehend. She admitted her guilt to her teammates and begged Kurt to forgive her for her deception. She then surrendered to the Starjammers, ready to face Shi’ar justice. [Excalibur (1st series) #68]