Psylocke (2nd series) #2

Issue Date: 
February 2025
Story Title: 

Alyssa Wong (writer), Vincenzo Carratu (artist), Fer Sifuentes-Sujo (colorist), Virtual Calligraphy's Ariana Maher (letterer), Mahmud Asrar & Matthew Wilson (cover artists), David Baldeon & Jesus Aburtov; Alessandro Cappuccio & Marte Gracia; Jeehyung Lee (variant cover artists), Jay Bowen (designer), Noah Sharma (assistant editor), Darren Shan (editor), Tom Breevort (editor), C.B. Cebulski (editor-in-chief)

Brief Description: 

After killing Skullbuster, Kwannon has memories of her childhood, being manipulated by the Hand. She snaps back to reality and leads the mutant children whom A.I.M. were trying to auction off out of the hotel and takes them to the safety of the Factory, the headquarters of the Alaskan-based X-Men. Kwannon's companion, the tech-wiz Devon Di Angelo gives Kwannon a new lead, information on the person that provided information about the A.I.M.'s auction. This leads Kwannon to the penthouse belonging to Shinobi Shaw. Shinobi is happy to see his former associate, although she is less than impressed. Kwannon informs Shinobi about the other captive children, and informs him that he has to join her in rescuing them. Shinobi reluctantly agrees, although it's not like he had much of a choice. Kwannon and Shinobi locate a facility where the mutant children are forced to fight each other in a large cage, while people watch and bet on them. Kwannon locates where more children are being kept in cages and frees them. However they are re-captured and placed in the arena, where the club owner forces the children to battle Kwannon. Kwannon takes the children out without harming them, while Shinobi deals with the club owner. Kwannon and Shinobi leave with the children, and afterwards, Kwannon stands Shinobi up for a date, instead sending him an invoice for her time. At the Factory, Kwannon finds Greycrow's arms pinned to a door, with several butterflies attached to it, and a note, bidding Kwannon to “come find me!”

Full Summary: 

Phoenix, Arizona, at the Gila Hotel, where Kwannon stands on the unmoving Skullbuster, whom she has just defeated. Several frightened mutant children look on, while Kwannon's mind wanders backwards in time.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, Japan, where a young Kwannon stands over several blood-soaked bodies, two swords in her hands, dripping with blood. Another young girl rushes towards her, and puts her hands to Kwannon's face, asking her if she is all right, and whether she is hurt. 'Mitsuki?' Kwannon asks, before Mitsuki smiles and replies 'There you are. Sometimes you go so far away...I worry that I'll never get you back'.

'The kids!' Kwannon utters, wide-eyed as she realizes where she is. 'The fire's getting closer!' one of the children calls out as a fire burns nearby. 'Put it out! Don't you have ice powers or something?' another kid asks one of the other children, who responds 'I'm trying! I don't know how to use them yet!' Kwannon notes that the curtains are on fire and tells the children to duck as she slices the curtains, preventing the flames from spreading upwards. Kwannon smiles at the children and asks them if they are all right, and whether they are hurt. 'N-no. We're okay' one of them responds. Kwannon takes one of them by the hand and rushes away from the flames. The others follow as she tells them that she will take them somewhere safe.

Later, at the Factory, the headquarters of the X-Men team based in Alaska. The door to the Factory opens, and Kwannon takes the five children inside, where the Beast is waiting. 'Psylocke. You're supposed to be on vacation leave. Resting' the Beast tells Kwannon, addressing her by her codename. 'This is resting' Kwannon frowns. 'He's blue!' one of the children gasps. 'I don't like him' another remarks. 'I do' a third exclaims. Kwannon explains to the Beast that she was going to ask John Greycrow to watch over the kids, only he wasn't home. She adds that she can't reach him, as he never picks up his phone when he is out on a job. 'So I'm leaving them with you, Beast. They'll be safest here at the Factory' Kwannon declares. 'Is anywhere safe for us?' one of the young mutants asks, scared. 'In don't know' Kwannon admits, before telling the boy that is what they are trying to do – make the world a safer place for mutants. She asks him to stay here with her friend, Beast, as she is going to find the other missing kids – and she knows where to start.

Soon, in Manhattan, New York City, where under the night sky all of the city's sprawling buildings are lit up. Kwannon stands on a rooftop, and in psychic contact with Devon Di Angelo, Kwannon asks them to 'Tell me you have good news for me'. Sitting at a long desk with several monitors in front of the, Devon replies 'Good news? For you? After you hung up on me at the auction?' to which Kwannon responds 'Yes'. Devon tells Kwannon that she is in luck, as they tracked down the anonymous tipster – the one who dropped the intel about the A.I.M. party. 'But first, I want an apology' Devon declares. 'Why? For what?' Kwannon asks. 'For making me worry!' Devon exclaims. 'As soon as $#%& hit the fan, you cut off our connection, went in alone and I couldn't help you! That's my whole job, isn't it?' Devon asks. 'Oh' Kwannon responds.

'Yeah, “oh”!' Devon retorts, before deciding that they understand that Kwannon doesn't get it, so decides to not push the matter, and then sends the tipster's info through to Kwannon. 'Thanks' Kwannon responds as she receives the information, before she leaps off the rooftop, and tells Devon that every mission is dangerous, and that she didn't realize Devon would worry about her. 'Of course I do! I'm not a super hero like you! I'm just an ordinary human college kid!' Devon exclaims. 'Who's been blacklisted from several countries' government databases. Very ordinary' Kwannon remarks, to which Devon suggests 'If they didn't want people poking around, they should have built better firewalls'. Devon then informs Kwannon that she is looking for a penthouse by Central Park. 'It's owned by -' Devon begins, while Kwannon, who has reached a glass ceiling, looks down into the penthouse and declares 'Trust me. I know'.

'Shinobi Shaw' Kwannon announces. 'You know him?' Devon asks. 'That I do' Kwannon confirms. She remarks that Shinobi is a mutant upstart, a corporate demon and a consummate hedonist, whose family fortune is matched only by his ambition. Down in the penthouse below, Shinobi Shaw is in a hot tub with other scantily clad men and women. 'Don't let the pretty face fool you. That's just another weapon in his arsenal' Kwannon remarks, before she suddenly drops down into the apartment, frightening one of Shinobi's companions, while another asks 'Whos that?' Shinobi looks over and Shinobi greets her as Psylocke, before inviting her into the hot tub. 'The water's fine' he assures her. 'I'll pass' Kwannon responds, while several men and women leap out of the hot tub as Kwannon makes her way closer to Shinobi. 'It's an open invitation' Shinobi remarks, before addressing her as “Kwannon” and telling her that there is always room in his hot tub for her.

Shinobi stands up in the hot tub, revealing a skimpy purple bathing suit, and asking 'It is Kwannon these days? Not Betsy?' He then puts his hand on Kwannon's chin and tells her that he is kidding, that he knows who she is – and that he could never forget. 'And I know who you are. So start talking' Kwannon responds as she raises her psi-knife to Shinobi's face. Shinobi goes over to a bar and pours two drinks while remarking that Kwannon figured out he was the one who tipped her off about A.I.M.'s MGH operation, which means she found out about their mutant child auction, too. 'If you knew about it, why didn't you stop it?' Kwannon asks. 'Why would I?' Shinobi responds as he turns back to Kwannon, two glasses in hand, he notes that he has never been an altruist, and that Kwannon knows that, before pointing out that he sent her, his favorite killer X-Man, and she took care of the problem. 'That's what you're good at' he remarks. '...that's what people say' Kwannon responds, before she tells Shinobi that the thing is, she doesn't care if he is an altruist – that is irrelevant. She takes the drink that Shinobi hands her and immediately pours it onto the floor, while declaring that she is getting the other missing children back, and Shinobi is her best lead – so he is coming with her to rescue them. 'What?' Shinobi gasps.

Soon, Kwannon holds Shinobi's arm as they walk down a sidewalk, towards a restaurant. Shinobi informs Kwannon that he heard something interesting when he had the misfortune of attending a charity gala last month. 'As a mutant? Out in the open?' Kwannon enquires. 'I don't advertise it, Kwannon. But yes' Shinobi responds, smirking as he notes that he is a mutant, and a Shaw – a name that opens doors, as she is about to see. 'This restaurant has a six-month wait list. I called them last night and got us a reservation. Shall we?' Shinobi suggests as someone opens the door for them and welcomes them in. A man at the desk looks shocked and exclaims 'Ah, Mr. Shaw, you're...quite early!' He reports that the table is not quite ready, and inviters Shinobi to feel free to have a drink at the bar while he waits. Shinobi thanks the man and leads Kwannon past the bar towards the restrooms. He informs Kwannon that this place came highly recommended by someone he met at the gala, and that this person gathers here with his friends once a month – not just for the poached lobster, which he insists is divine, but for something a little more exotic.

Entering the restroom, Shinobi holds up a card which he swipes between tiles behind the basin, and the tiles begin to vanish, revealing a corridor behind them. 'Welcome to the Cleaver Club' Shinobi announces, as he and Kwannon can hear a rumbling ahead of them. 'They sound like a joy' Kwannon notes as she readies her psi-knife and follows Shinobi ddown the stark corridor. 'Trust me, after that gala, I wanted to take a cleaver to my own head' Shinobi remarks, before informing Kwannon that he has passed their personal information over to her little helper, whom he is sure is tracking them down as he speaks. 'Does he know I can hear him because you can?' Devon asks, to which Kwannon replies 'No'. A door at the end of the corridor opens, and Shinobi tells Kwannon that this is where people gamble away fortunes – on other people's lives.

Kwannon looks down from the balcony where she and Shinobi find themselves, and what she sees in a large chamber is a fighting ring, where a young mutant leaps into the air and blasts another mutant with fire. Hundreds of attendees at the Cleaver Club surround the fighting ring, watching and cheering. 'Come on! Fry him!' one of them shouts. 'Get up! Get up, dammit!' another exclaims. 'I bet on the wrong one!' another complains. 'Kill him!' someone shouts. 'BOOOOO!' another cries. 'Are those the kids you're looking for?' Shinobi asks. 'Not all of them. I'm going to find the rest' Kwannon frowns. As Shinobi and Kwannon make a move to begin walking around the arena, a bouncer steps forward and asks 'May I see your invitation, Mr. and Mrs...?' his voice trails off. 'Shaw' Shinobi states, claiming that he was referred by Mr. Vaughn and Mr. Arora. 'Although I have to say, tonight's offerings look a bit underwhelming. I don't feel comfortable betting on either mutant' he adds. Kwannon starts to walk past the bouncer, who stops her: 'Excuse me, Mrs. Shaw? Where are you...?' he begins, to which “Mrs. Shaw” explains that she is going to the restroom. 'Er... take a right at the...' the bouncer begins, as Kwannon carries on past him.

She glances back at the people watching the fighting. 'Disgusting. Kidnapping mutant children and forcing them to fight to the death... it's barbaric. Every single person here deserves to die' Kwannon thinks to herself, before reminding herself that that isn't what she is here for. She carries on down a corridor, while asking Devon if they know where the kids are being kept. Devon informs Kwannon that there are a lot of heat signatures in the arena, but they can see another cluster behind six heavy-duty security doors to the north. Kwannon thanks Devon and tells them that she will ask for directions, as she sees a guard up ahead, and asks 'Excuse me, can tyou help me?' to which the armed guard responds 'Ma'am, you're not supposed to be back here. Kwannon smiles and claims that she got lost looking for the restroom. 'I was wondering if you'd be able that door for me!' Kwannon exclaims as she shoves her psi-knife into the guard's head. 'Of course, Ma'am' the guard responds as he opens a door. 'Watching you mind-control someone with your psi-blades never gets old' Devon utters. 'This is the last one' the guard tells Kwannon as he opens another door.

'Thanks' Kwannon responds as she slams the guard's head against a wall, knocking him out. She looks around the dark room, where several young mutants are being held in small cages. Kwannon tells the young mutants that she is going to get them out of here. 'It's unforgivable forcing children to fight each other just because you're mutants' she adds. 'But I'm not a mutant. They put these patches on me...and I caught on fire!' one of the caged children utters. Kwannon realizes the child is talking about the A.I.M.'s Mutant Growth Hormone, and asks if all of the children are human.

'Only half of us. There were more before, but they...LADY, LOOK OUT!' a boy with some bandages across his arms and chest exclaims, wide-eyed, as several electrical currents are aimed at Kwannon, as a computer states that security measures were being deployed. Kwannon looks at the boy, who watches in horror, as Kwannon suddenly passes out.

Soon, Kwannon wakes, to find herself in the fighting ring, with the children from the cages. 'And now, folks, we have a special show for you: a freshly caught adult mutant vs. the rest of our stable in a one-against-all battle royal!' the Cleaver Club manager announces as he stands on a balcony, looking down into the ring. The club manager tells the audience to place their bets, because this one is guaranteed to be spectacular. 'Kwannon. Oh, those kids are dead' Shinobi utters, concerned, while the audience around him begins to cheer. The boy with the bandages moves towards Kwannon and tells her that he is sorry, as flames begin to glow around him. 'They're gonna kill us if we don't fight!' another boy utters. 'I'm not going to hurt you' Kwannon assures them as she dodges their attacks. But as she does this, a collar around her neck shocks her, and the club manager smiles as he holds up a remote and remarks 'That's not very fun, mutie, is it? Fight or die! That's the creed of the Cleaver Club!'

Kwannon looks annoyed as she looks up at the club manager and replies 'A little electricity? That's nothing'. The boy with the bandages blasts flame towards Kwannon again and tells her that he is so sorry – before Kwannon shoves her psi-knife into his head. 'Me too. None of this is your fault' Kwannon tells the children as she flips through the air and shoves the psi-knife into the heads of other children, telling them to go to sleep, as she knocks out the last one of them. The children all lay motionless on the fighting arena floor, as Kwannon looks up at the club manager, who calls out 'That's what I'm talking about! More! More!' Suddenly – 'More of this?' Shinobi asks as he appears next to the club manager and grabs him by his wrist, crushing his hand so hard that blood explodes  around him. 'My hand!' the club manager shrieks.

Club guards open fire at Shinobi, but are surprised when their bullets don't seem to work. 'Why's he still alive?' he asks. 'Density manipulation is a beautiful thing' Shinobi smirks. With the club manager's hand broken, the remote control that kept the children under his command is broken, too. 'The collars deactivated!' one of the kids exclaims as the collars all fall to the ground. 'You're free! Now go hide -' Kwannon begins, but another kid tells her that they want too fight. Kwannon agrees, and instructs some of them to protect their unconscious friends, while inviting the rest to come with her. 'I see you found the kids' Shinobi remarks as he joins Kwannon in battle. 'And you found trouble. As usual' Kwannon responds as she kicks one of the guards backwards. Shinobi punches someone and remarks 'Ah, you know how it goes. Let me buy you dinner tonight to make up for it?'

'Whoa!' a guard exclaims as Shinobi becomes intangible and the guard starts to pass through him – then Shinobi solidifies himself, and the guard explodes. 'I know this place in Soho – it's got great reviews' Shinobi suggests, nonchalantly. Kwannon removes her psi-knife from a guard's head, and the guard falls to the floor. 'You just cut a man in half with your body' Kwannon notes. 'That used to thrill you' Shinobi responds. 'I've changed' Kwannon tells him. 'Shame. You're the best killer I know. I admire that about you' Shinobi declares. Kwannon, Shinobi and the children start to walk out of the Cleaver Club, leaving a trail of blood-soaked bodies behind them. 'Seriously, though, I predict a Michelin star in this restaurant's future' Shinobi utters, to which Kwannon tells him that she will think about it.

Later, in Soho, 'Where is she...?' Shinobi remarks as he sits at a table next to a window in a restaurant called Maison du Alice. A waiter approaches Shinobi and hands him a piece of paper, informing him that his date sends her regrets for missing dinner. 'But she left you this'. Shinobi smiles as he looks at the piece of paper – it is an invoice which lists her hourly rate, an amount for hazard pay, an outfit replacement, medical bills, and a “putting up with you” tax. 'Ha! She stood me up and sent me an invoice!' Shinobi laughs. 'Well played, Kwannon' he decides, before remarking that she will have the money in her account by tomorrow.

Back in Alaska, at the Factory, Kwannon walks down a corridor after leaving all of the rescued children with the Beast. 'Maybe he's right. I could use some rest' she decides, but first she wants to check in with someone – but as she approaches a door, she is shocked at what she sees – John Greycrow's arm nailed to a door, blood streaming down the door, and the arm covered in butterflies....

Characters Involved: 

Psylocke II

Shinobi Shaw
Devon Di Angelo


Mutant children

Shinobi's companions
Cleaver Club owner
Cleaver Club attendees

(in flashback)

Story Notes: 

Kwannon was put on forced vacation leave from the X-Men by Cyclops last issue.

Shinobi Shaw was most recently seen in X-Men (6th series) #33, during the Fall of Krakoa. Prior to that, he had a significant recurring role throughout Marauders (1st series).

Kwnnon and Shinobi's history was chronicled in X-Men (2nd series) #21-23.

Written By: