CAMERON HODGE: Page 3 of 4

Publication Date: 27th Jun 2024
Written By: Monolith.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.

BIOGRAPHY - page 3

Cameron Hodge’s living but decapitated head made its way to Genosha, where he made an alliance with the ruling government. Chief Magistrate Anderson and Genegineer David Moreau didn’t trust the ambitious foreigner, as they only wanted peace and security for their homeland. However, Madame President Reneau was eager to increase Genosha’s standing on the world stage and accepted Hodge’s support towards that goal. It helped their alliance that the X-Men were already foes of Genosha, having helped the woman Jenny Ransome (who the Genoshans considered Mutate bio-technology unit #9817) to escape the country and live free in America. The President, Genegineer and Magistrate all agreed that their product must be recovered.

Hodge reconnected with the Right, bringing their advanced science and technology to Genosha for mass production and refinement. In exchange, Genoshan resources were also diverted to create a new body for Hodge. Cameron was an absolute madman by this point, however, and aesthetics didn’t interest him as much as revenge. Instead of a simple android frame, Cameron Hodge had his head neuro-affixed to a terrifying and massive scorpion-like robot. This structure would have been ridiculously cumbersome without a phase-shifter allowing him to become intangible and pass through walls and barriers as well. Cameron Hodge’s dreams of vengeance began to crystallize when Jenny Ransome and the Genegineer’s renegade son, Philip Moreau, sought sanctuary with X-Factor while being hunted by Magistrates abroad. [X-Factor (1st series) #57] Now he had no trouble justifying using Genoshan resources to go after Warren Worthington III, now known as X-Factor’s Archangel and the man he hated more than anything in the world. [X-Factor (1st series) #59]

Cameron Hodge convinced the Genoshans to stage an attack on the remains of Xavier’s school, where the New Mutants and a few of the scattered X-Men resided in the bunkers beneath the ruins. Storm (currently a pre-teen thanks to Nanny’s technology) and the New Mutants named Rictor, Boom Boom, Warlock and Wolfsbane were kidnapped by a team of Magistrates. When the last X-Men roster scattered through the Siege Perilous, many of them were transported around the globe as amnesiacs to start new lives. Havok landed in Genosha and became a loyal Magistrate, believing himself to be a native Genoshan and patriot. Cameron Hodge knew the truth and delighted in using him against his friends and family.

Once Pipeline teleported the captives to Genosha and Wipeout neutralized their powers, Hodge revealed himself to his victims. Rictor was still terrified of Hodge from his time as the Right Commander, and the mutants learned Genosha intended to subject them to the same gene-modification process that produced the brainwashed Mutate slaves. Personally, Cameron Hodge wanted Warlock so that he could extract aspects of the Technarch’s techno-organic virus, using it to make his own cybernetic body into a shape-changing and more convenient frame. Warlock had been severely weakened by the teleport process, which deprived him of the “life-glow” that sustained him. He still used what strength remained to free his friends from captivity. Most scattered and fled, but Wolfsbane doubled back to try and save Warlock. Hodge’s transmutator did appear to drain Warlock’s Technarch power, but Rahne severed the connection between them to interrupt the flow. Hodge failed to claim Warlock’s ability, but the alien was still reduced to ash by the transmutator’s siphon effect, the first casualty of the war.

Hodge convinced President Reneau to take credit for Warlock’s death as a pronouncement of Genosha’s serious intentions to the international community. While politicians abroad debated whether Genosha had the right to treat the X-Men et. al. as terrorists, Moreau was furious over the foreigner Hodge dictating Genoshan policy. In private, Reneau told Moreau that Hodge was a useful ally for the time being only, but Hodge’s cybernetic senses allowed him to eavesdrop and adjust his own manipulations of the president accordingly. While Reneau thought a show of force would cow the mutant community, Hodge knew the X-Men and their allies would counter-attack to avenge their own, bringing his enemies right to his doorstep. Hodge pressed for the Genegineer to gene-mod Wolfsbane into a Mutate, but with a sadistic twist of leaving a portion of her mind aware of her slavery, yet unable to do anything about it.

Several strike teams made up of the X-Men, X-Factor and New Mutants soon arrived on the island nation. A commando unit led by Cable was picked up trying to set bombs to the Genoshan seat of government, the Citadel. Hodge taunted them with the servile Wolfsbane, while using Wipeout to cancel their powers as well. A Mutate mind-reader probed the captives to extract knowledge of the remaining strike team. To Hodge’s consternation, though, the technopath Forge remained unconscious and unreadable in a self-induced coma, depriving Cameron of Forge’s cybernetic knowledge to improve his body. With Cyclops still free, Cameron used psyops tactics against his prisoners. He deliberately put Marvel Girl in a cell with the seriously wounded Wolverine, hoping to catch them in a moment of tenderness to be used strategically against Scott Summers later on. The fugitive Storm was also caught after she returned to assault the Genegineer, and Hodge ordered her put through the gene-mod process by Moreau.

Despite a run of successes, the alliances began to fray between Hodge and Genosha’s leaders. Cameron was increasingly open about his agenda to use Genosha as a platform to obliterate all mutants on Earth, and the Genegineer despised being used for a foreigner’s plans for genocide. The president remained in the middle, satisfied with Hodge so long as Genosha legally condemned the mutant terrorists in their courts and the court of international opinion, securing their nation’s future. Their debate was interrupted by Cyclops’ final strike team, and Cameron Hodge eagerly revealed himself to Archangel for the first time since his decapitation. Hodge’s cybernetic powers overcame his mutant attackers, and the last free X-Team was beaten. The audacity of their attack only further pushed the self-important President Reneau into Cameron’s way of thinking.

It was a kangaroo court when Genosha brought the X-Men before a televised trial for their terrorist acts. As the prisoners formally rejected submitting to the gene-mod process, an outburst by Wolverine led the Chief Justice to turn the prisoners over to Cameron Hodge for his own amusement. Psylocke seemingly changed her mind, giving Magistrate Havok an excuse to remove her to the Genegineer rather than see her suffer for Hodge’s sadistic amusement. Cameron entertained himself by pitting Archangel and Wolverine against each other in a fighting ring, but he would not forget this slight. After luring Wipeout to the Genegineer’s office, Hodge murdered the Genoshan mutant with a plasma bolt. This allowed him to frame Havok for the crime, while also removing the only means of restoring the X-Men’s neutralized powers.

Hodge wasn’t the only one with plans, however. Genegineer Moreau and Chief Magistrate Anderson grew tired of Hodge’s influence on their country and began acting against him. Moreau used a tunneling Mutate to surreptitiously enter Cameron’s private bunker, containing the remote power source and sensors which supported his cybernetic body. Meanwhile, Anderson was in the process of bringing the Mutate #20 (Storm) to the X-Men’s cells. The free Psylocke reluctantly assisted Anderson in avoiding an assault by Hodge so she could succeed. The Genegineer had in fact NOT put Storm through the true Mutate gene-mod process, but a custom configuration which only resembled a Mutate on the surface. Storm was empowered to undo Wipeout’s effect on her teammates, with her mind and body fully restored in the process as well.

Cameron Hodge realized the tide was turning against him as he found Storm restoring his foes. An auto-bomb rigged by Forge and Cyclops before their capture beat the Genegineer to Hodge’s bunker, damaging his systems. Moreau crossed paths with the fugitive Rictor and Boom Boom, who aided him in causing further damage to Hodge’s power source. He also revealed that Mutate #490, Wolfsbane, could retain her intelligence and free will so long as she remained in wolfen form, another hidden betrayal he had planned against Hodge. Hodge sensed the destruction of his computers and broke off his attack on the other X-Men to preserve his systems. Moreau tried to fight back against Commander Hodge when he arrived, but Hodge snapped the Genegineer’s neck with his tentacles. Still, the X-Teams were successful in wiping out his remote support technologies.

Hodge wasn’t finished, for his cybernetic body was still inherently powerful. His body also contained self-repair protocols to recover from his current damage. Wolfsbane, Rictor and the others pursued the retreating cyborg deeper into the Citadel. Chief Magistrate Anderson conducted a military coup against President Reneau, leaving Hodge without a support network. The racist madman had no plans left but was merely lashing out to cause as much harm as possible to the X-Men. It was Archangel who destroyed Hodge’s phasing mechanism, limiting his grotesque frame’s mobility. Havok escaped custody and regained his memory, letting the Summers brothers reunite and blow off the top of the Citadel, obliterating Hodge’s cyborg body. Even then, Cameron’s self-mobilizing severed head remained alive, vicious and threatening his inevitable return. Wolfsbane and Rictor caught up with the battle, and Rahne ripped out Hodge’s remaining circuitry, leaving him as just a uselessly immortal skull. Rictor delivered the coup-de-grace by creating an earthquake which collapsed the entire Citadel on top of Cameron Hodge, leaving him buried and forgotten in the ruins of his hatred. [X-Tinction Agenda crossover]