PERSUASION: Page 2 of 3

Publication Date: 21st Aug 2023
Written By: Daytripper.


Kara's unique bond with Laura and Goblyn came in handy again when Laura Dean was captured by the Dreamqueen on Liveworld, which caused Goblyn, who was on the spaceship, an agonizing pain. This led to an adventure on Liveworld, which pitted Kara and Alpha Flight against the Dreamqueen and her warriors to rescue Laura Dean. A complicated series of events followed in which the battleground of Liveworld was transported to China – the Dreamqueen planned to come to Earth and take it over, but Alpha Flight were able to send her back. Unfortunately, the Canadian government did not seem happy that Alpha Flight had returned. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #58-60]

Back on Earth, Kara and the others returned to Canada. While Heather Hudson and Box were called to a formal parliamentary inquiry, Kara and the rest of Beta Flight remained with Sasquatch as they pondered what the future might hold for them if Alpha Flight were forced to disband. Kara supposed that she could just call her mom, knowing that she would take her back, and take Laura and Goblyn in too. Kara became upset when Manikin told her that he was thinking of returning to medicine, as he thought curing cancer was just as important as saving the world. Things did not go well at the inquiry, and the government refused to sponsor Alpha Flight again. The team could not even operate on its own, as they had no money to self-fund. Kara had to say goodbye to Manikin, who promised to write to her. She also said farewell to Madison Jeffries, the first member of Alpha Flight to really care for her, and told him that she will miss him most of all. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #61-62]

Kara adjusted to life living back with her mother (Melanie in turn had to adjust to living with Goblyn, who along with Laura had joined Kara). Their arrival did not go unnoticed by gossipy neighbors, either. Kara received a telegram one day to let her know that her father had been killed. Despite Melanie's glee at this, Kara was quite upset – even though she knew her father was a horrible person. Kara visited her father's grave (apparently in Toronto, although possibly a hallucination) where she wondered if he knew about her, whether things would have been different for him. Crying, she wished that her father was alive to see what she had become.

That night, Kara woke from a nightmare about her father rising from the grave as a zombie, and bringing other zombies with him. Her screams woke Melanie, Laura and Goblyn – and that nightmare became very real when the zombified Purple Man burst into the apartment and revealed that he was there because his daughter had wished it. Melanie wanted to flee with the girls, but Kara realized this was her fault, so she wanted to stay and fight. She used her power on her mother and Laura, ordering them to leave the room, while Goblyn protected the two of them from the Purple Man's army of zombies. Kara led her father out of the apartment and out to a nearby gas station. Although her power had no effect on him, she found herself in very real danger. Fortunately, Goblyn was on hand to offer some physical strength against the zombie Purple Man, whom Kara soon destroyed when she set the gas station alight. Even as the zombie Purple Man's rotting remains were destroyed, Kara cried for him. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #62] Kara had a weird feeling that this encounter was more like a dream, though, and it was later revealed that this manifestation of the Purple Man was actually a creation of the Dreamqueen, as part of a plan to attack the former members of Alpha and Beta Flights in a revenge plot. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #66]

Kara effectively returned to her former life as a student, going to school with Laura, while Goblyn remained at home with Melanie. Kara had no problem using her powers when needed, such as when the bus driver drove past her. She wasn't sure whether he did it on purpose or not, but she nonetheless used her powers to make him stop. While her classmates didn't like her because she was a mutant, they knew to stay clear of her in case she used her powers on them. However, Kara had no problems in using her powers to teach bullies at school a lesson, like she did when one girl refused to play basketball with her and shoved her against the lockers. In response, Kara used her powers to humiliate the bully. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #64-65]

However, it wasn't long before Kara, Laura and Goblyn answered Heather Hudson's call to unite when other former members of Alpha Flight began to have nightmares, which all pointed back to the Dreamqueen. Kara didn't show any reaction to the news that Manikin declined to return to assist the others, preferring to remain at the hospital he was working at. Indeed, it wasn't long before the Dreamqueen launched her attack and crossed over into this world, where she knocked Kara and the others out. Kara woke when former Alpha Flight member Elizabeth Twoyoungmen found her and the others, and took control of the situation, leading Kara and the others in pursuit of the Dreamqueen. However, Kara became easily agitated, complaining first that Elizabeth was not telling everyone what was going on, and then, after a long flight to the Eye of the World, complaining when Elizabeth told everyone they had to leave.

When their quest took them to Elizabeth's father, Michael, who was the current wearer of the powerful coronet that made him known as Talisman (a role his daughter previously held), Kara listened as Michael Twoyoungmen refused to assist his former teammates. She supposed that she could use her power to control Michael and force him to help them but decided against it, not wanting everyone to be mad at her. As the heroes planned their response to the madness the Dreamqueen had unleashed across Canada, Kara was instructed by Heather to try to use her powers to force the Dreamqueen back through a portal, which Kara was happy to do. However, when the heroes crashed into a large mall in Edmonton, Kara became distracted by an illusion of her father and was attacked by one of China Force's members, the Rat, who infected her with some sort of disease. Michael Twoyoungmen was able to give her something to take care of her, but the potion knocked Kara out, so she was left behind while the others went on to find the Dreamqueen.

When Kara woke several hours later, she found darkness had fallen and she was all alone in the large mall. She assumed she had been abandoned by Alpha Flight but, rather than leave the mall or go and find the others, she remained where she was. After the Dreamqueen was defeated and Alpha Flight returned to collect her, she became angry with them and accused them of forgetting about them, annoyed that they didn't try to wake her. Michael Twoyoungmen assured Kara that they did what they could for her, to which Kara announced that she had had enough of these heroics and that running around trying to save the world was too much for a kid like her. Laura felt the same and, along with Goblyn, they teleported out of the mall, back to Kara's mother's home. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #67-71]

However, months later, Kara had grown bored of a “normal life” of school and living at home. She came to embrace being different – of being a mutant and having purple skin. She also adopted a new codename for herself: Persuasion. Fortunately for Kara, life was about to get a whole lot crazier, as Alpha Flight were caught up in a deadly war with the villain Llan the Sorcerer. With most of the team captured, Kara, Laura and Goblyn were all summoned by Talisman to assist in the battle. After linking up with Aurora, Talisman sent the four to Asgard on a quest in search of Northstar. There, Persuasion used her powers to prevent an attacking group of trolls from eating the four women.

Oddly, Kara's power quickly faded and the trolls became free of her control, so the women had to make a run for it as they continued on in pursuit of Northstar. On the journey, Kara began to wonder if her power didn't last long on the trolls because of Asgard existing within the Negative Zone. She didn't have long to contemplate it, however, before Laura Dean opened a portal between space and time, which took Persuasion and the others into a catacomb where Northstar was about to be sacrificed. Another large army of trolls was present, so Kara quickly used her powers to turn the trolls on one another while Aurora rescued Northstar. They all retreated through another portal, and were almost lost in the Negative Zone, before Talisman used her magic to pull them all to safety. Persuasion and the others then learned about the deadly war with Llan the Sorcerer and was warned to prepare herself. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #81-82]

Persuasion assisted Alpha Flight and other associates of the team in the final battle against their powerful foe. During the battle, she was able to take control of many members of Llan's army at once and use them to battle their own fellow warriors. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #85-86]

Following the defeat of the Sorcerer, the Canadian government came to the realization that they should work with and support a reformed Alpha Flight team. Kara, along with Laura and Goblyn, and members of the government's official team, Gamma Flight, attended a parliamentary inquiry with Heather Hudson. However, when the officials at the inquiry proposed disbanding Gamma Flight and making the team a training group under Alpha Flight's supervision, one of the members, Wild Child, snapped and attacked the officials, before fleeing the proceedings. Persuasion accompanied Heather and the others to track down Wild Child and. After her friend Laura was injured, Kara tried to take command of Wild Child's mind but with no success, as Wild Child boasted that he was more animal than man. Kara worked alongside Heather and the Gamma Flight members, towards whom she began to act rudely, until Wild Child was eventually apprehended. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #87-88]

Persuasion was joined by her mother at Ottawa General Hospital as they watched over the injured Laura. Kara was feeling frustrated at herself for not being able to protect Laura and offered to give blood when the doctor looking after Laura explained that she had lost too much of it. Unfortunately, Kara was not a compatible match and lamented that Laura had sent her sister, Goblyn, to another dimension. Fortunately, Laura had other family and Kara was more than shocked by the arrival of Laura's parents, Darby and Susan Dean, who wanted to help their daughter.

Persuasion later gathered with the members of Alpha Flight and their other associates as the government and Heather Hudson came to an agreement about the future of Alpha Flight and how it would serve Canada going forward. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #89-90] With Laura in a critical condition, Kara continued to watch over her best friend, which in turn caused her to worry about the possibility of her own death. She realized that all of them were just “raw meat” and could get cut up as easily as Laura did. Heather Hudson was on hand to give Kara some words of wisdom about keeping hope alive. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #91]

While other associates of Alpha Flight participated in some missions as the specific details as to the new Alpha Flight roster were sorted out, Kara didn't join them on any of the assignments, continuing to watch over Laura, instead. However, she did engage in some physical training to keep up her fitness. However, when Heather Hudson tried to encourage Kara to push herself harder, Kara didn't see the point, assuming she was not going to make the Alpha Flight lineup. Heather explained to Kara that, as part of the new Beta Flight, she would be able to learn to use her powers while living the life of a normal teenager. Kara queried why she couldn't decide for herself what she wanted to do, to which Heather told her that she didn't want to risk losing Kara in battle. Puck pointed out other dangers that Kara would have to contend with out in the field, and Kara eventually came to agree with the senior Alphans, before opting to carry on training with Puck. At the formal meeting to announce the new Alpha Flight lineup, Kara's prediction that she would be placed in Beta Flight was correct. [Alpha Flight (1st series) #95]