Santo Vaccarro
6’ 2”
482 lbs.
New Mutants
(2nd series) #3
unnamed parents, unnamed sister
Student, Adventurer
New X-Men Squad, Young X-Men, Hellions Squad, Jean Grey School, X-Men, Special Class II, Brotherhood of Arakko, War College
• Stone golem who exists as a psychic entity that inhabits and animates rock bodies for himself with variably superhuman stature, strength, endurance, and resistance to physical injury (depending on materials), and the power to explosively shatter back into loose debris, then reform on command out of any available stone, concrete, molten rock, etc.
• Initially inhabited his original human body mutated into organic rock, with a lower base level of strength, and the ability to segment and reform that body's pieces only, such as firing his fists as projectiles and then retrieving them