UNUSCIONE: Page 2 of 2

Publication Date: 19th Feb 2025
Written By: Daytripper.
Image Work: Douglas Mangum.


Whether she actually turned herself in or not, Unuscione was among the Acolytes reformed by Exodus some months later. On one of her first missions, Unuscione and Scanner were sent to Muir Island, tasked with convincing Colossus to return to the Acolytes after his return to allies of Xavier. They spoke to Colossus about New Avalon but, when Colossus tried to reach out to the kindhearted Scanner in an attempt to convince her that Exodus and whatever plans he had were wrong, Unuscione called the mission off. Before they departed, however, Unuscione warned Colossus that the next time they met the Acolytes wouldn’t be so cordial. [Excalibur (1st series) #106]

When Exodus learned of the substance known as Isotope E, Unuscione was one of the Acolytes led by Cortez to attack the citadel of the High Evolutionary to acquire it. Thanks to their surprise and ferocity, the Acolytes were successful in taking the citadel from the High Evolutionary. Despite their success, Isotope E eluded them. However, after Exodus learned that the Evolutionary had it elsewhere, he ordered the Acolytes to acquire it. Knowing that Quicksilver was allied with the Evolutionary, some suggested killing him if he interfered. Aghast, it was Unuscione who reminded everyone that he was the son of Magneto. However, by the time the Acolytes did encounter Quicksilver on their mission, Unuscione had come to realize that, if he didn't follow Magneto's dream, then Quicksilver was an enemy to their kind. During their battle, Unuscione might even have killed the speedster, had she not been ordered by Voght to stand down. [Quicksilver #1, #11]

When Magneto eventually returned, the Acolytes were divided into two groups – those who followed Cortez and those who were loyal to Magneto. Unuscione was counted among those loyal to Magneto and she found herself with the task of watching over Magneto's children, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. [X-Men: Magneto War #1] Unuscione and the other Acolytes soon returned to terrorism in an attempt to keep the X-Men busy while Magneto prepared to assault the world with his powers. In the aftermath of Magneto's threats against the world, he was given the island nation of Genosha to rule as his own. Unuscione and the other loyal Acolytes moved to Genosha, though Unuscione was not very active on Acolyte assignments during this time. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #379] Unuscione was apparently still on Genosha when the Sentinels of Cassandra Nova struck, destroying much of the island nation and almost the entirety of its mutant population.

Although Unuscione survived the destruction of Genoha, she kept a very low profile in the time that followed. She eventually reemerged after M-Day as a member of a new Acolytes team led by Exodus, along with other former enemies of the X-Men, including Cargill, Tempo and Random. Unuscione took some time to adjust to the time-slowing power of Tempo and on their assignment for Mr. Sinister to capture the young mutant precog Blindfold, Unuscione found herself up against Armor. [X-Men (2nd series) #201-202]

Unuscione and the Acolytes continued to work alongside Sinister and his Marauders team, as they sought to destroy the X-Men and find the first mutant baby born since M-Day. During one of the battles, Unuscione and Cargill found themselves battling their former teammate, Colossus. With the baby in their possession, Unuscione and the other mutants working for Sinister set up base at the long-deserted Muir Isle. Another battle broke out when members of the X-Teams arrived on Muir, during which Unuscione was taken down by Bishop. In the aftermath of the conflict, Charles Xavier was killed and the baby was lost as Cable escaped with it into the timesteam. [Messiah Complex crossover]

Unuscione was with the Acolytes when they used Tempo's control over time to retrieve Xavier's body before he died, all in an attempt to recruit him as their new leader. To their surprise, Xavier refused to lead the Acolytes and left them, but not before Exodus warned the founder of the X-Men to stay out of their way. [X-Men: Legacy (1st series) #210]

For a while, Xavier did just that. However, after re-examining how loose ends of his past had come to haunt him, Xavier decided to tie up the loose end that was the Acolytes. Tracking them to their base, Xavier gained entry through its security by mentally controlling Unuscione, who could not help but deactivate the base’s defenses as he approached them. Exodus berated Unuscione for not using her psi-shield, but Unuscione could only defend that she had. Finally reaching the inner base, Xavier convinced Exodus of the futility of his plans for the Acolytes and attempted to set him on a different path. Not long after Xavier departed, the Acolytes went their separate ways. [X-Men: Legacy (1st series) #225]

Much of mutant kind eventually settled on Utopia, an independent island nation located in San Francisco Bay and governed by the X-Men. Although Unuscione was never seen on Utopia, she apparently was there, as she was one of the mutants caught up in the reality warp known as the “Age of X.” In this reality, Unuscione was known as Stand-Off and wore a unique costume. Along with powerful psychics like Psylocke, Legion and Hellion, she was a member of the elite group known as the Force Warriors, whose responsibility it was to repair the force field that surrounded Fortress X, the home of mutant kind, where it was a daily struggle to survive.

However, when tensions mounted within Fortress X, including suspicions about Fortress X itself and the actions of mutant kind's leader, Magneto, even the loyal Force Warriors called into question what was going on around them. Stand-Off believed Magneto made an error in judgment in killing two mutants within their community and, soon after, the Force Warriors relieved him of his command, placing Fortress X under their jurisdiction. Reality was eventually restored after it was discovered Legion was behind the reality warp. However, when the mutants found themselves back on Utopia, there was no sign of Unuscione and, when the X-Men's schism happened shortly after, she was not shown to take any side. [Age of X crossover]

Unuscione apparently took a step back from any mutant activity and lived in San Francisco. She was out one evening when the deadly Mothervine virus was released by a cabal of mutants who planned to use it to create new mutants. Among its other abilities, Mothervine could also give mutants secondary or tertiary mutations, and could place a mutant under the influence of the cabal, giving them an army of mutant soldiers. Despite not being active for some time, Unuscione hadn't lost her pro-mutant rights stance. When she came across two young people who had been transformed by Mothervine and were then set upon by an angry mob, she instinctively leapt to their defense. To her surprise, she discovered her powers working in a different way than she expected – appearing as painful spears inside some of the mob. Her troubles continued when several Sentinels arrived, stating that they had come to aid her in this time of distress so that their master could help her with these changes. Carmella wasn't going anywhere with them and wouldn't let the Sentinels take the young people, either. She was about to take on the Sentinels single-handedly when a makeshift team of X-Men arrived on scene and joined with her against the Sentinels. However, as the battle progressed, Carmella found herself unable to control her newfound powers. Although Xorn was fortunately on hand to calm her mind, her mind was still open to possession by the cabal and she was forced to destroy the X-Men's jet. Unuscione was taken out for the remainder of the battle, but the efforts of the makeshift X-Men later defeated the Cabal responsible for Mothervine. [X-Men: Blue #26-27]

Shortly afterwards, Magneto formed a new Brotherhood which Carmella joined, alongside several other mutants manipulated by the cabal responsible for Mothervine. [X-Men: Blue #34] This Brotherhood was apparently short-lived, as Magneto was seemingly killed alongside dozens of other X-Men. When another member of this new Brotherhood began working with an even newer Brotherhood, Carmela was not among them.

At some point, several Acolytes began working together alongside Exodus, and Carmella was among them. When the mutant nation of Krakoa opened its doors to all mutants, regardless of their disposition, the Acolytes were approached by an astral projection of Charles Xavier, who invited them to join the mutant nation. [Powers of X #5] Whether Carmella did take this invitation is unknown, as she was never seen on the mutant nation during the Krakoan Age. Since the fall of Krakoa, Carmella's status has not been confirmed.