Written By: 
Last Updated: 
19th August 2010

So what’s in store for the future?

Issue Summaries As of this article’s update in August 2010, we have reached 5000 summaries. However, while we are much closer since the first version of this article in April 2006 when we were at 3000 summaries, the ultimate utopian goal of completion is still some distance away… though it is in hailing distance.

By our current calculations, there are about 5700 to 6000 comic books containing X-Men related character appearances, depending on who you count as an X-character. Quicksilver yes, but Scarlet Witch maybe? Eh, we’ll figure it out by the end. Part of the problem is us having to hit a moving target, as new issues are published monthly. This, of course, is made harder as Marvel keeps pumping out those new titles and Wolverine appearances. Still, our valued Contributors keep knocking away at them, ticking off back issue runs while still working on the new Current Title issues.

However, it should be noted that even as we continue filling in the gaps, the UXN staff is replacing some of our older summaries, which are shorter and lacking in the detail our newer entries. Now that’s dedication.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the status of some of our features and their futures:

Character Glossary The character glossary at this point is pretty much done. In September 2005, the last headshot was added, giving all (then) 1800+ characters one. In charge of this section, the mighty Monolith continues to tweak this to his tastes, occasionally adding such features as the “deceased” and “depowered” features, for those wanting quick cross-referencing. As of this article’s publication, there are over 2100 entries.

Crossover entries At this point, all of the large Crossovers have been done. However, as Crossovers continue to occur in the Marvel Universe, we will continue to release them as entries. As a caveat, please be aware that we usually let some time pass (up to and over a year) to allow us to see the ramifications of the Crossover before chronicling it.

Event Months One of our most popular features, Event Months are unfortunately a thing of the past, the last being our Magneto/House of M month. However, rather than abandon the planned features, it was decided to break them up into smaller events. Already the features relating to the Technarchy & Sentinels were released in the Phalanx Week and Sentinel Event Fortnight.

Spotlights Our second most popular feature is our Spotlight section. Tough to produce and sometimes equally difficult to maintain their growing number, the Spotlight section continues to expand. Eventually, every character of significance will have an entry (the definition of which changes according to the weather and our demeanor on that day).

With our 10th birthday, we have added the sub feature of mini-Spotlights, which we call Character Profiles. These will focus on less significant characters with much fewer appearances. As such, they will be shorter in length and lack some of the aspects of full Spotlights, like an Issue Checklist or Costume Gallery. On the plus side, they will come out more frequently and feature more obscure characters.

Conclusion The UXN is definitely a work in progress. However, unlike many sites one comes across on the Internet with the little “under construction” icon adorning it, the Uncanny X-Men Net has shown great strides. We weren’t much to look at ten years ago, however constant updates on all fronts – well, you know the story of the tortoise and the hare…

One day, we shall be finished. Yes, we shall be finished. Until then, enjoy the ride. Then again, you could always help.