Publication Date: 17th Oct 2024
Written By: Blanchett.
Image Work: Blanchett.


Most of the residents of Manhattan's “Mutant-Town” also known as District X were generally of a very low power level, though there were a few exceptions, such as Lara King aka Lara the Illusionist. Lara, likely an “alpha” class mutant, had the ability to create convincing illusions that could fool all of the senses. In her own form, she considered herself a “homely frump.” Possibly this lack of confidence, coupled with her unique mutant abilities, led her to the life of escorting. Lara was the star performer of the Wildkat Klub. Her clientele was supposedly very exclusive, including princes, politicians, actors and a former president or two. Her illusionary abilities allowed her to become anyone her client wished: men, women, celebrities etc. This versatility resulted in having quite a high price range of 50 grand for one night. [District X #5] Her employer, Kauffman, was in a turf war with another local mutant gang, resulting in the Wildkat Klub getting bombed. Lara was on site but fortunately survived unharmed. Kauffman was very agitated and looking for her through the rubble when Bishop and Detective Ismael Ortega were investigating the crime scene. Thinking she may be important to the investigation, Bishop and Detective Ortega pulled her to one side. Lara knew that they were both wondering why Kauffman thought someone as “plain” as her was special. Displaying her worth with a power display and boasting about her celebrity clients, Lara flirted with Detective Ortega, at one point even transforming into him. As Lara walked away, she told Detective Ortega, he should come back when he wins the lottery and ask for her. [District X #5]

Lara had accomplished what she wanted and had impressed Detective Ortega but not in the way she had hoped. When Mr. M, a mentally unstable, omega level mutant and fellow resident of Mutant-Town, was planning to destroy the area, Detective Ortega sought out Lara. The plan was to have Lara use her powerful illusionary powers to fool Mr. M into thinking he had destroyed the town, while Bishop tried to absorb the ambient energies. At the climax of the illusion, Mr. M's only friend, Hanna Levy, came in and asked if he wanted to undo what he wrought. Fortunately, Lara's effective illusion convinced him that this was a path he did not wish to go down. Lara considered this one of her greatest performance to date! [District X #6]

Detective Ortega was experiencing martial difficulties and started to seek out Lara in the Wildkat Klub. She had confided in her friend, Lorelai Travis, that she did have the “hots” for Ismael and was even biting her lip when she saw him arrive. Approaching the errant detective, he remarked he couldn't afford her prices but Lara told him it was her night off anyway. Although she gave him some options (blonde, brunette, etc), he wanted her to pretend to be his wife. [District X #8]

Lara's affair with Ismael continued as his marriage fell apart. For her part, she had genuine feelings for him and allowed him to stay and sleep over in her luxury apartment in New York. Lara's illusion didn't stay in place while she slept and, when she woke next to Ismael and offered to restart the illusion, he stopped her. He told her he wanted her to be herself. This shocked Lara, who broke into tears and embraced him. Over breakfast, they discussed how he was going to pick up his children from his wife but he would return to see her later if she wasn't working. Lara was unconvinced by this seeming “domestic bliss” and remarked as he left that he was going to break her heart. [District X #8]

Lara's intuition was correct and Ismael did return to his wife. Worse, Lara was one of the many depowered mutants during M-Day and the “glory” that was Lara the Illusionist was gone. Ismael did seek out Lara but it was again for his own selfish reasons. His daughter had passed away and he had not been present. He asked Lara to impersonate her so he could say goodbye. Lara refused, but made it clear the refusal was not based on her losing her powers alone. Even if she hadn't, this request was past a line even she was willing to cross. As he walked away, Lara lowered her head and seemed to sink further into despair. What became of her afterwards is unknown. [Mutopia X #5] Lara’s career as an escort appeared to have given her a high degree of wealth, so she may be living the life of luxury somewhere. Alternatively, given how much her powers enriched her life, she may have underwent the “Crucible” on Krakoa.