Publication Date: 19th Sep 2024
Written By: Blanchett.
Image Work: Blanchett.


Next to nothing is known about the past of Strobe, save her real name of Juliana Worthing. A powerful mutant, she was recruited by the time traveler/terrorist Stryfe to join his Mutant Liberation Front. Her first seen mission was an attack on an energy facility in Wyoming in retribution for the imprisonment of two new mutants, Rusty and Skids. Strobe and her compatriots were savage and had no hesitation in killing the staff. Following the attack, Stryfe issued a declaration that, until Skids and Rusty were released, his forces would continue to make strikes. [New Mutants (1st series) #86]

On their second attack, Strobe appeared to be the field leader, though she was hardly an empathetic one, calling Thumbelina a “wimp” for being distressed by getting shot at. It was easy for Strobe herself, as she could project an energy field around her, which melted the bullets before impact. The mission was a success and the second facility fell.

Stryfe grew impatient as the government failed to comply with his demands. One of the members, Wildside, questioned why rescuing Skids and Rusty was even important. Stryfe explained that they were “symbols” of the injustice perpetuated on mutant-kind. Strobe and some of the others were dispatched to attack the prison in which Skids and Rusty were being held. The MLF continued a relentless attack on the facility, killing many. They were unaware, however, that they were being pursued by Cable, the future leader of X-Force. A superior combatant, Strobe's peers were no match for him, though surprisingly she was. His techno-organic virus was susceptible to her heat-based powers and she melted his arm, injuring him sufficiently so that the MLF could return to their mission.

As the MLF reached the holding room for Skids and Rusty, Cable was shot by the panicked guards. Skids, who wielded a forcefield, quickly grabbed him while the MLF fought the guards. Strobe stood in front of Skids and Rusty, trying to protect them. When Skids questioned why would terrorists want to save them, Strobe parroted back exactly what her master, Stryfe, had said earlier about Skids and Rusty being “symbols.” Given the lack of variance in what she said compared to Stryfe's earlier comments, it was a pure sign of her indoctrination. Strobe gave the young couple the option to remain where they were or take a chance and flee with her and the MLF. Desperate and holding a cradled and injured Rusty, Skids decided to take Strobe up on her offer of sanctuary. [New Mutants (1st series) #87]

Ironically, it was Strobe who almost immediately clashed with both Rusty and Skids after they joined the group. She even called Rusty by her go-to insult, “wimp,” when he questioned Stryfe on whether their terrorist activities were necessary. [New Mutants (1st series) #100]

Strobe's affiliation with the MLF also brought her into conflict with other mutant groups with ideological differences, such as the government-sponsored X-Factor. The group had recently fought Mr. Sinister's Nasty Boys and imprisoned them following that battle. Strobe and the others were dispatched by Stryfe to liberate them. One of the Nasty Boys, Slab, was the brother of Strobe's teammate, Thumbelina, which possibly impacted the choice of this mission. Despite their superior numbers and having the element of surprise, the MLF really struggled against the more veteran team, though they did manage to liberate the Nasty Boys and escape. [X-Factor (1st series) #77]

The MLF would soon come up against X-Factor again when they were tasked with targeting the Tucker Clinic. Dr. Tucker was administering a test to pregnant women which would allow them to detect if their child was a mutant in the womb. Fearing a string of terminations, Stryfe wanted it shut down and Tucker assassinated. Unbeknownst to the team, at least Strobe and the rest of the “grunts,” Dr. Tucker was actually her teammate Tempo's father and she tipped him off to the attack. Even with the tip-off and Tempo pulling her punches, it was still the usual MLF bloodbath. When they breached the facility, Tucker stared them down, refusing to leave, only to be slashed by Reaper. Shortly after X-Factor arrived, Strobe managed to KO Strong Guy but she was soon downed by Havok. The group managed to flee after setting off an explosive, destroying the facility and Tucker died from his injuries. Another successful mission. [X-Factor (1st series) #78]

[Note: In many ways, this mission actually failed, as the MLF didn't destroy Tucker's research. It was actually X-Factor member, Wolfsbane, who destroyed the research after his death, considering it by nature an abomination. It seems likely that Strobe and the others never found out about this.]

Strobe continued to serve her master Stryfe dutifully, clashing with Cable in Mexico as Stryfe tried to bring about the resurrection of Apocalypse. [Cable: Blood and Metal #2] Stryfe had big plans. He was actually a clone of Cable who had been raised by Apocalypse in the future and only wished to revive Apocalypse to humiliate him. He also kidnapped his “parents,” Cyclops and Jean Grey, and tried to assassinate Professor X while pretending to be his “twin." [X-Cutioners Song crossover] The actions of their leader put the MLF in the “big-time,” finally drawing the attention of the X-Men, who attacked the MLF headquarters. Strobe, for her part, managed to down Rogue but was no match for X-Factor's mistress of magnetism herself, Polaris, who had joined the mission. While their teams had fought previously, Polaris and Strobe had not personally sparred. Strobe was simply outclassed by Polaris, who used Strobe own metal costume against her. [X-Men (2nd series) #15]

What became of Strobe afterwards is unknown. Possibly, she was incarcerated. Regardless, she was confirmed as one of the many mutants to be depowered by the Scarlet Witch on M-Day. [New Avengers (1st series) #18]

Despite this, years later, she was seen with her powers again along with the MLF again. [Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #1] The group were attacking a pharmaceutical company in North Carolina, where they were researching a vaccine to attempt to “cure” mutants. Kitty Pryde was leading a training squad of X-Men to fight them when she suddenly disappeared, leaving the younger mutants to fend for themselves. Glob Herman had radioed for some support which was en-route. Strobe faced off against him in battle and the MLF appeared to be winning, until Nightcrawler, X-23 and Strobe's old foe, Polaris, appeared on the scene. Things went as well for Strobe as it did the last time she clashed with Polaris. Thoroughly unimpressed, the mistress of magnetism simply flung X-23 at the MLF, slicing them all.

[Note: The source of Strobe regaining her powers is unknown. However, given the timing, it was most likely caused when Miss Sinister released her “Mothervine” virus, which restored the powers of many former mutants.]

Later, after most of the X-Men were believed killed and the world became more dangerous for mutantkind again, Strobe and the MLF resurfaced. They had come under new management and were being led by the “mutant messiah,” Hope Summers. Hope organized an attack on a public event by a politician named Ms. Prestel called “Humanity for Humans.” The remnants of the X-Men were on hand to try to protect human lives and managed to take down the MLF again. Cyclops made a decision to hand the MLF over to Captain America, who took them to prison. [Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #15-16]

Following the foundation of the mutant nation of Krakoa, Strobe appeared to have been released from prison. Presumably, she was fortunate enough to enjoy clemency thanks to the deal negotiated between the United States and Krakoa. [House of X #3]  Strobe and the other members of the MLF set up house in the Akademos habitat, which was home to many of the younger mutants. [New Mutants (4th series) #9] Her whereabouts following the fall of Krakoa/massacre at the third Hellfire Gala are unknown.