Publication Date: 25th Jul 2024
Written By: Douglas Mangum and WorldWideWade.
Image Work: Peter Luzifer and WorldWideWade.
Issue Checklist
[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #121
New X-Men (1st series) #121, 126

Origin of Nova's battle in the womb with twin Charles Xavier

[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #114
New X-Men (1st series) #114

first appearance

[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #115
New X-Men (1st series) #115

successfully murders 16 million mutants on Genosha

[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #116
New X-Men (1st series) #116

exchanges bodies with Charles, shoots Xavier in her own body, exposes the X-Men's identities to the world

[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #117
New X-Men (1st series) #117

orchestrates putting Beast into a coma, heads off to the Shi'ar empire to cause more havoc

[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #125
New X-Men (1st series) #125

mind controls Lilandra to lay waste to the Shi'ar empire

[title] - New X-Men (1st series) #126
New X-Men (1st series) #126

returns to Earth to kill the X-Men, tricked by Jean Grey into having Charles return to his body and kick out Cassandra whose formless body possessed a booby trapped body designed to contain and reprogram her

[title] - Astonishing X-Men (3rd series) #15
Astonishing X-Men (3rd series) #15

trojan horse brainwashing of Emma Frost kicks off her plan to reclaim her body, psychically debilitates Beast and Wolverine

[title] - Astonishing X-Men (3rd series) #18
Astonishing X-Men (3rd series) #18

body released from containment but plan fails when Emma refuses to transfer her brain patterns into another host

[title] - X-Men: Red (1st series) #1
X-Men: Red (1st series) #1

makes political moves against Jean Grey by framing her of murder of a UN ambassador

[title] - X-Men: Red (1st series) #3
X-Men: Red (1st series) #3

uses nanites to infect and control various world leaders

[title] - X-Men: Red (1st series) #7
X-Men: Red (1st series) #5-7

launches an attack on Jean's X-Men at their base in Atlantis

[title] - X-Men: Red (1st series) #10
X-Men: Red (1st series) #8-10

Nova launched her attack on the world's mutants in the form of a Sentinel swarm of nanites, Jean neutralizes the swarm and brings an army to stop Nova

[title] - X-Men: Red (1st series) #11
X-Men: Red (1st series) #11

loses to Jean and has her mind rewired to feel empathy

[title] - Marauders (2nd series) #1
Marauders (2nd series) #1

secretly living on Krakoa, drafted onto the Marauders

[title] - Marauders (2nd series) #2
Marauders (2nd series) #2-3

defeats two Kin Crimson single handedly, reveals that the first mutants were prisoners of the Shi'ar

[title] - Marauders (2nd series) #5
Marauders (2nd series) #4-5

discover the truth of the first mutants in a Shi'ar prison, travel through time to rescue some, fights a powerful mutant by bonding with a symbiote

[title] - Marauders (2nd series) #10
Marauders (2nd series) #7-10

travels 2 billion years into the past to purge the first mutants enemy of Sublime and Arkea, after performing this heroic deed, is subdued and imprisoned in the past for her former crimes