JUGGERNAUT: Page 5 of 7

Publication Date: 29th Jan 2016
Written By: Peter Luzifer and Monolith.
Image Work: sixhoursoflucy and Dean Clayton.


Reunited with Black Tom, the Juggernaut helped him and Mondo attack Generation X another time, though with only little success. [Generation X #60-61] In fact, sometime later, Cain was once more captured by the authorities and this time sent to the Seagate Federal Penitentiary in Georgia.

After a while there, he was visited by Prosh for a mission of great importance that was believed to have had a deep impact on the future of humanity. With each of the chosen five candidates representing something, the Juggernaut was supposed to represent "humanity’s jealousy and insecurity the human race feels towards mutants." Prosh sent their minds back through time (ending up in their past bodies), to gather clues about an imminent danger. However, in most stops, Cain found himself stuck in some form or the other, either he was buried beneath tons of rubble, held in prison, or in some other intimidating position. From this, Cain realized that his entire life had been a waste. After the time-travelers returned from their journey, it was discovered that Prosh himself was the threat that he had warned them about, having been programmed by the Celestials to attack humanity. After the group successfully fought him off, they parted ways, each having to think a lot about themselves. Not much later, the Juggernaut accepted an offer from the Commission on Superhuman Activity to become their headhunter and, in exchange, was pardoned from his past crimes. [X-Men Forever (1st series) #1-6]

Unfortunately, not much later, Cain was talked by Black Tom into mercenary work again, the two of them being hired to attack Cyclops. The X-Men’s leader turned out to be more resourceful than they had anticipated, though, and easily escaped them. [Cyclops (1st series) #1-2]

Afterwards, the pair went back to Scotland, where they occupied a castle, similar to Cassidy Keep, though located on an island. Around the time, Cain noticed that his powers were weakening, apparently a result of Cyttorak not being pleased with his Exemplar’s recent behavior and no longer providing him with his energies. The Juggernaut was not the only one to change, however. Black Tom underwent something called a secondary mutation, entirely turning into a plant creature. When he began sucking the lifeforces of the servants and other people nearby, Cain knew he was in over his head and called the X-Men for help. However, by the time they arrived, it seemed already too late, for Tom entangled next to all of them in his vines, including Cain, and began feeding. Only when Iceman sucked the moisture out of him could the heroes and Cain break free.

Afterward, Cain tried to make his friend accept the X-Men’s help but Tom was not interested at all and could only mock his partner, saying that his father was right to beat up a fool like him. The entire island falling apart, due to the destruction that occurred during the battle, the Juggernaut helped evacuating the X-Men, before falling into the ocean, where he was willing to let himself drown. He was saved by Sammy, the Squidboy, a new mutant who had just enlisted at the school and who encouraged Cain that there is always a second chance for everyone. To prove Sammy right, Xavier invited his stepbrother to return with them to the mansion, to take some downtime and think about himself, now that Black Tom was gone. Reluctantly, Cain accepted. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #410-412]

While most of the X-Men were uneasy about their former foe among their midst, the Juggernaut quickly became involved with several teenage students attending the school, who considered him cool and looked up to him as a role model, especially Squidboy. Several days afterwards, Cain sought out the old home of him and his father before he married Sharon Xavier. Being back in the old environment reminded him of his abusive childhood but also enforced his need to come to terms with it. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #413, 416]

When a bunch of local kids from Westchester were caught torturing animals, Cain realized that he still had a lot to learn. At first, he didn’t see why that bothered Xavier’s students so much, he himself having done the same when he was a kid. This hurt the Squidboy pretty much, after all he is partially animal too. Eventually, Jean Grey telepathically made the local teens and the Juggernaut experience what the tortured animals felt before their death and Cain finally understood that it was no different than his own feelings of humiliation and defenselessness whenever his father beat him up. He apologized to Sammy, who found it in his heart to forgive Cain. [X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #44]

Due to this new insight and, after having helped out the X-Men a couple of times, Cain found that doing good helped him on his road to redemption, so he asked Charles Xavier to fully join the team. The Professor was all for it, though he said that it would be up for the team leaders to decide. Before Cain had a chance to ask them, though, the mansion was invaded by Alpha Flight. In his joy, the Canadian-born Sammy had made the error of telling his mother that he had befriended the Juggernaut, a known criminal, and she had alerted the authorities about Xavier’s school.

In fact, the entire school was in danger of being closed down until Sammy volunteered to leave and return home, a rather unpleasant place as his father was not that different from Kurt Marko. Saying goodbye to each other, Cain hugged the boy and gave him his helmet to remember him. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #421-422]

Cain needed a couple of days to get over this set-back, but then he once more requested to join the X-Men on a full basis. While Cyclops, leader of one squad, gave him the cold shoulder, not even deeming him worthy of an answer, Havok welcomed the Juggernaut with open arms on the second team’s behalf, despite him not being their official leader. Cain was happy to be given this chance to prove himself. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #425]

Shortly afterwards, Cain asked Charles for a Blackbird, as he wanted to go to Canada and check on Sammy, despite his parents having forbidden any interaction. When Xavier told him that they could not violate the law, the two stepbrothers got into an argument, during which they got to the core of their problem with each other. All their lives, they had been blaming the other one for something they held themselves accountable for. Apparently, Kurt Marko liked his stepson, Charles, more than his own flesh and blood, though it didn’t stop him from abusing him too. Both boys could have stopped the abuse, Cain physically and Xavier mentally, but neither one did, for they felt they deserved it. Cain because his own father couldn’t love him more than someone else’s child and Charles because he had thought it was his fault for having gotten between them. This breakthrough having been reached, Charles gave in to Cain’s request and asked Northstar to accompany the Juggernaut to Canada. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #429]

They arrived right as Squidboy’s father was about to give him another beating, causing Juggernaut to snap. He angrily lashed out with his strength, severely injuring Sammy’s father and, in a following battle with Alpha Flight, also accidentally harming the boy’s mother. Seeing what he had done, Cain let himself be locked up to await his trial. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #432-434]

Xavier hired the best lawyers for his stepbrother, one of them being She-Hulk of the Avengers, a sort of specialist in cases involving super-powered individuals. Also, though she thought little of the Juggernaut, she was rather impressed when Cain helped prevent another villain escaping from the high security prison he was held in, instead of using the chance for his own getaway. This demonstration of his goodwill to redeem himself initiated some brief romantic fling with the She-Hulk, who is known to be attracted to strong-built, sometimes hotheaded men.

Their little tête-à-tête was disturbed by the arrival of a second Juggernaut, claiming to have been send by Cyttorak himself. Indeed, he turned out to be stronger than Cain and, during battle, he fell back into his old moods, striking first and thinking later, until the She-Hulk could make him see to reason. Eventually together, they defeated the new Juggernaut, who turned out to be one of the boys who had killed the animals in Xavier’s neighborhood – after all, he was just one angry misguided kid, dressed up with a big armor. Cain’s trial ended with a passionate testimony from Sammy’s mother on his behalf, who, despite having been injured, was happy that somebody had stopped her violent husband, whom she had reported to the police several times with no success. Cain was let go of all charges, under the conditions of him doing lots of hours of social work, all damages being paid for and him undergoing therapy to come to terms with his own abusive childhood. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #435-436]