First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Membership: Weapon X / Wolverine, Snowbird, Aurora, Shaman / Talisman III, Northstar, Sasquatch I / Box III, Weapon Alpha / Vindicator I / Guardian I, Marrina, Puck I, Vindicator II / Guardian III, Talisman II, Box I, Madison Jeffries / Box IV, Diamond Lil, Windshear, Weapon Omega / Wildheart, Radius II, Flex II, Murmur III, Sasquatch II, Guardian V / Vindicator III, Manbot, Earthmover II, Yukon Jack, Puck II, Nemesis III, Major Mapleleaf II, Centennial
Allies: General Clarke, Gary Cody, Jade Dragon, Kerry Patrick, Wyre, Sunfire, General Gentry, Mar
Weapon X / Wolverine (Logan)
First appearance: Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #180
Powers: accelerated cellular regeneration augments his natural strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes, expands his perceptions to give him animal-like senses, and grants him an accelerated healing factor that can stave off poisons, suppress the aging process and repair damaged cells and tissue within minutes, three retractable claws made of razor tipped and extremely dense bone extend from each forearm through the back of his hand, adamantium metal has been surgically bonded to his skeleton and claws to make them virtually unbreakable
Membership stints
- was supposed to lead Alpha Flight but quit the Flight program prior to the official roster classification
Snowbird (Narya Thompson)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Powers: Arctic demi-goddess possessing three distinct bodies: fully human, her true fires, and her standard transitional form that has superhuman strength, speed, and endurance, is capable of flight, can sense the presence of great evil and view events that have occurred in the past or will occur at a later date, compel others to aid her in battle with the Great Beasts, and transform her body into an albino female version of any animal, formerly possessed immortality which forced her to stay within the boundaries of Canada and transform only into animals of the Great North
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #92 flashback to Alpha Flight (1st series) #24 [claimed to leave Earth to join her ancestors in the realm of the Arctic Gods, in truth remained on Earth to be with lover]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #29 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #44 [slain by Vindicator II to prevent Pestilence taking over her body and gaining power]
- Wolverine (2nd series) #143 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #6 [departs to space to return the Plodex infants to their homeworld]
- Chaos War: Alpha Flight to present
Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Powers: - utilize the random atomic motion found within her molecules to propel her body at superhuman speeds, possesses increased durability to resist damage and temperature extremes, alter the phase-shift between her molecules and her brother’s upon physical contact, generating a radiant cascade of blinding light and heat in all directions
- formerly could produce variable forms of light that could hypnotize others, discharge concussive bursts or electricity, and manipulate minds to stimulate different sensations
- formerly able to manipulate the kinetic motion of another object's molecules to provide it with directional thrust on contact
- formerly cancelled out both her and her brother's powers when touching
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #92 flashback to Alpha Flight (1st series) #50 [left behind during a mission, seeks refuge in a convent]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #84 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #95 [resigns due to her new pacifist outlook on life, serves on Gamma Flight support staff]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #104 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 to Wolverine (2nd series) #173 [kidnapped by the new Weapon X program]
- Chaos War: Alpha Flight to present
Shaman / Talisman III (Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Powers: - (as Shaman) mastery of Sarcee magic allows him to levitate himself, call forth the spirits of the natural world, and summon an infinite array of herbs and potions from his medicine bag, which can teleport people through space, summon various weather phenomena, seize control of elemental forces, heal physical wounds, cause others to experience phobias or fall unconscious, cast illusions, and manipulate existing magical spells
- (as Talisman III) formerly wore the Talisman's circet of enchantment, which enabled him to command spirits in order to gain power or information
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #92 flashback to Alpha Flight (1st series) #29 [unable to access his powers after a crisis of faith]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #37 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #44 [resigns, because as the Talisman proves he cannot take orders from others]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #67 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #95 [stands down to become Beta Flight’s mentor and to serve on Gamma Flight support staff]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #120 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #6 [departs to space to return the Plodex infants to their homeworld]
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [killed in battle with the Collective]
- Chaos War: Alpha Flight to present
Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Powers: - utilize the random atomic motion found within his molecules to propel his body at superhuman speeds, possesses increased durability to resist damage and temperature extremes, alter the phase-shift between his molecules and his sister’s upon physical contact, generating a radiant cascade of blinding light and heat in all directions
- formerly could produce light under his own power
- formerly cancelled out both his and his sister's powers when touching
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #92 flashback to Alpha Flight (1st series) #18 [resigns after Aurora ended their partnership]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #25 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #50 [journeys to Nirvelheim in Asgard after learning of apparent Asgardian heritage]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #84 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 to Wolverine (2nd series) #143 [quits to promote his book]
Sasquatch I / Box III (Dr. Walter Langkowski)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Powers: - (as Sasquatch I) gamma-based power to morph himself into the body of the Great Beast Tanaraq, possessing razor sharp claws, enormous strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, senses, and resistance to physical injury
- formerly inhabited the body of Snowbird, in which he could shift between albino females versions of himself and Sasquatch
- (as Box III) formerly inhabited the Box Mark II robot composed of living metal, possessing superhuman strength, endurance, durability, cybernetic senses, and boot rockets enabling flight
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #92 flashback to Alpha Flight (1st series) #28 [soul left to wander the Crossroads of Realities]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #45 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #62 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #67 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [rest of team killed by the Collective]
- Chaos War: Alpha Flight to present
Weapon Alpha / Vindicator I / Guardian I (James MacDonald Hudson)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #109
Powers: - electromagnetic skinsuit augments his strength, speed, and reflexes, allows him to sense energy fluctuations, manipulate electromagnetism into concussive bolts, funnels of plasma energy, magnetic charges, electrical shocks, and an inertia-dampening force field, levitate and propel himself along magnetic ley lines, and place himself at rest with the Earth’s rotation to launch forward at high speeds
- formerly employed a terraforming exoskeleton that augmented his strength, utilized concussive blasters, directional sonics to increase his hearing, and boot rockets
- formerly possessed cybernetic parts that augmented the mathematical portion of his mind and incorporated the function of his suit directly into his body
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #92 flashback to Alpha Flight (1st series) #12 [apparently killed when his malfunctioning battle suit explodes]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #95 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #100 [sacrifices himself to return Alpha Flight back to Earth and the Qwrlln back to their rightful place in space-time]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #6 [departs to space to return the Plodex infants to their homeworld]
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [killed in battle with the Collective]
- Chaos War Alpha Flight to Alpha Flight (4th series) #2
Marrina (Marrina Smallwood MacKenzie)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #1
Powers: Plodex adapted as an amphibious humanoid, possessing enhanced strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes, breathes underwater, can manipulate any body of water she comes into contact with, and sonar senses; latent capacity for additional metamorphoses
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #1 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #16 [purposely vanishes in shame after meeting her Plodex mate]
- Chaos War: Alpha Flight to present
Puck I (Eugene Judd)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #1
Last appearance: New Avengers (1st series) #16
Powers: physical mass compressed into half the intended space, giving him incredible molecular density along with superhuman strength and invulnerability, formerly acted as the host body for the demonic sorcerer Black Raazer, reducing him to a dwarf while giving him an extended lifespan
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #1 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #50 [left behind during a mission, finds peace in Tibet]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #95 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #6 [departs to space to return the Plodex infants to their homeworld]
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [killed in battle with the Collective]
- Alpha Flight (4th series) #2 to present
Vindicator II / Guardian III (Heather McNeil Hudson)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #139
Powers: - electromagnetic skinsuit augments her strength, speed, and reflexes, allows her to sense energy fluctuations, manipulate electromagnetism into concussive bolts, funnels of plasma energy, magnetic charges, electrical shocks, and an inertia-dampening force field, levitate and propel herself along magnetic ley lines, and place herself at rest with the Earth’s rotation to launch forward at high speeds
- formerly wore a geothermal skinsuit that allowed her to sense heat fluctuations and manipulate geo-energies to ignite and release streams of flame, superheat the air around her to create steaming vapor, and shift tectonic plates to cause earth tremors or summon volcanic lava spouts
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #17 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #62 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #67 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to shortly after Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 [steps down from active membership to become Alpha Flight’s government liaison]
- Uncanny X-Men #421 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #6 [departs to space to return the Plodex infants to their homeworld]
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [killed in battle with the Collective]
- Chaos War: Alpha Flight to Alpha Flight (4th series) #2
- Amazing X-Men (2nd series) #8 to present
Talisman II (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #5
Powers: inherent capacity to manipulate magic, absorbing and redirecting outside sources or disrupting existing spells and enchantements, circlet of power allows her to summon and command the spirits of the natural world, levitate, experience extra-sensory visions, and cast a wide variety of spells
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #19 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #28 [quits after feeling her father has failed her one too many times]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #67 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #90 [receives serious brain damage, eventually relegated to Beta Flight to recuperate]
- Amazing X-Men (2nd season) #8 to present

Box I (Roger Bochs)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #11
Last appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #49
Powers: - commands a psi-borg, a robot of "living metal" that he can phase his molecules into at will, assuming the armor’s substantial strength, endurance, and heavily resistant armor, cybernetic system scanners, super-conductive current that can be channeled through the armor's surface, and boot-mounted rockets
- formerly utilized the Box Mark II with lesser strength and no energy powers, and the Box Mark I commanded through a cyber-presence unit without flight capabilities
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #25 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #46 [forced to give up the Box armor because of growing mental instability]

Box IV (Madison Jeffries)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #16
Powers: - transmutating power allows him to alter materials made of metal, plastic and glass, levitating them in place or reforming their shape and construction to create any structure or device he can imagine, mind-tap ability capable of drawing upon the minds of others to use their knowledge as a blueprint for his power, machine telepathy enables him to "hear" mechanical systems, psychically learning their function, operating status, capabilities, and reading any stored data in their drives
- occasionally operates the Box Mark IV armor, a robot of "living metal" that he can phase his molecules into at will, assuming the armor’s physical strength, reflexes, and extra-resilient metal skin, and mechanical senses, and focus his transmutating power on himself to reconfigure his robotic body into any shape or absorb outside materials to increase his mass, strength, and materials to manipulate
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #41 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #62 [Alpha Flight disbands]
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #67 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #104 [resigns due to impending marriage to Diamond Lil]
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 [captured and brainwashed by the new Zodiac]
Diamond Lil (Lillian Crawley-Jeffries)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #11
Last appearance: X-Force (3rd series) #23
Powers: generate a perpetual bio-aura that reinforces her body against all physical harm and supports additional weight to enhance her strength
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #78 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #104 [resigns due to impending marriage to Box IV]
Windshear (Colin Ashworth Hume)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #87
Powers: create "hard-air" molecules out of the atmosphere to forge concussive battering rams, solid fields and barriers, provide aerial propulsion, cause a pressurized explosion in the atmosphere around him, and harden the air inside someone's lungs to induce respiratory failure, wears a protective body armor that channels his abilities
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #95 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
Weapon Omega / Wildheart (Kyle Gibney)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #11
Last appearance: Wolverine: Origins #39
Powers: - animal mutation and genetic imprinting grants him augmented strength, speed, agility, and reflexes, hyper-keen animal senses, regenerative powers that repair his body on a cellular level, and razor sharp teeth and claws on his hands and feet
- formerly underwent psycho-chemical treatments that inhibited his senses and animal instincts but gave him a normal appearance
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (1st series) #102 to Alpha Flight (1st series) #130 [Alpha Flight disbands]
Radius (Jared Corbo)
First appearance: Alpha Flight #minus 1
Powers: surrounds his body constantly with a pliant field of biokinetic energy, which serves to protect him from all forms of physical damage, can be shaped into simple forms like wedges or ramps, and rapidly expanded to push objects away from him
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to shortly after Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 [relegated to Beta Flight]
Flex (Adrian Corbo)
First appearance: Alpha Flight #minus 1
Powers: transform portions of his body into paper-thin sheets of razor sharp bio-metal, converting his hands into blades that can then expand into long spears or protective shielding and flex his midsection into an enlarged panel of flat metal
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to shortly after Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 [relegated to Beta Flight]
Murmur III (Arlette Truffaut)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1
Powers: forge a psychic link with another person through physical contact, allowing her to subtly influence their thought processes or use spoken commands to take direct control over their actions and behavior
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to Alpha Flight (2nd series) #14 [taken off the active roster while recovering from injuries received in battle]
Sasquatch II
First appearance: Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1
Last appearance: Alpha Flight (2nd series) #12
Powers: bestial creature native to the Canadian wilderness, possessing superhuman strength, agility, reflexes, resilience, animalistic senses, and razor sharp claws
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to Alpha Flight (2nd series) #12 [dissolved by a flesh-eating organism]
Guardian V / Vindicator III (James MacDonald Hudson)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1
Last appearance: Wolverine (2nd series) #143
Powers: bio-synthetic duplicate wearing an electromagnetic skinsuit that augments his strength, speed, and reflexes, allows him to sense energy fluctuations, and manipulate electromagnetism into concussive bolts, funnels of plasma energy, magnetic charges, electrical shocks, and an inertia-dampening force field, levitate and propel himself along magnetic ley lines, and place himself at rest with the Earth’s rotation to launch forward at high speeds
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to shortly after Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 [relegated to Beta Flight]
Fact: Guardian V was a clone of the original Guardian, James MacDonald Hudson, who had been told that he was the original James Hudson who had been accidentally de-aged and rendered partially amnesiac in the process.
Manbot (Bernie Lachenay)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1
Powers: merged with the "living metal" of the Box robot, equipping him with a cybernetic link to sensor mechanisms, modular technological equipment, and a giant chassis that he can reshape into different configurations
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (2nd series) #1 to shortly after Alpha Flight (2nd series) #20 [relegated to Beta Flight]
Earthmover II (Chuck Moss)
First appearance: Wolverine (2nd series) #179
Powers: mystical potential focused through Shaman's medicine bag, allowing him to summons powders that animate rock and earth
Membership stints
- X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #45 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #6 [departs to space to return the Plodex infants to their homeworld]
Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzurjimozoata)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (3rd series) #1
Powers: Kemteron heritage gives him enhanced strength, agility, stamina, reflexes, and durability, the power to project luminescent radiance, and ornamental bone armor that can be animated into mentally directable lashes and blades, carries a bone dagger
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #2 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 [returns to govern his tribe together with his bride]
Puck II (Zuzha Yu)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (3rd series) #1
Last appearance: New Avengers (1st series) #16
Powers: rebounding power enables her to harness active motion and kinetic energy, redistributing it change the direction she's moving in or accelerating her given momentum
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #2 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [killed in battle with the Collective]
Nemesis III (Amelia Weatherly)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (1st series) #8
Last appearance: Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12
Powers: empowered as Fate's Angel of Retribution on Earth to carry the Onyx Blade which maintains her vitality, can slice through anything with its molecule-wide edge, allows her to teleport herself and others, fly, sense the presence of good and evil, and manipulate the activity of spiritual energy
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #2 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 [dies of old age]
Major Mapleleaf II (Louis Edmond Sadler, jr.)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (3rd series) #1
Last appearance: New Avengers (1st series) #16
Powers: bio-centric energy drawn from proximity with his horse gives him superhuman strength, endurance, and resistance to physical injury, concussive force blasts from his hands, and the ability to nullify gravity in order to fly or ride his horse through the air
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #2 to New Avengers (1st series) #16 [killed in battle with the Collective]
Centennial (Rutherford Princeton)
First appearance: Alpha Flight (3rd series) #1
Last appearance: Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12
Powers: superhuman strength, endurance, reaction time, near-invulnerability, flight, and thermoscopic beams projected from his eyes
Membership stints
- Alpha Flight (3rd series) #2 to Alpha Flight (3rd series) #12 [dies of old age]