recruited by shadowy organization believing it to be government department, meets Kyle Gibney
Avengers West Coast #84
earns PhD, meets Julia Cornwall
X-Factor (1st series) #142
learns she's been working for Secret Empire, loses track of Gibney, marries Edmond Atkinson
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #176
appointed as national security adviser to the US president, meets Peter Henry Gyrich
Avengers West Coast #84, Spider-Woman (2nd series) #2
joins Commission on Superhuman Activity, reunited with Julia Cornwall (now Carpenter), participates in experiment birthing the new Spider-Woman
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #183-185
works with Raven Darkholme (a disguised Mystique), meets Forge, accompanies mission which uses Forge's neutralizer that de-powers Storm
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #186
encounters Dire Wraith, survives fury of Rogue
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #190
attends NSC meeting to discuss Kulan Gath's transformation of Manhattan into Hyborian Age state
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #199
approached by Mystique for the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants to turn into government agents
Avengers West Coast #84, Spider-Woman (2nd series) #2
coerces Spider-Woman to join new Freedom Force team
Avengers Annual (1st series) #15
orders Freedom Force to arrest the Avengers
Iron Man (1st series) #214
convinces Iron Man to track down Spider-Woman when she decides to quit Freedom Force
Captain America (1st series) #334-335
pushes for Steve Rogers replacement after he quits role as Captain America, approaches John Walker (Super Patriot) for the position
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #223-224
forces three new recruits onto Freedom Force
Captain America (1st series) #350
votes to reinstate Steve Rogers as Captain America after John Walker's disastrous tenure
Captain America (1st series) #351-352, 354-355
witnesses Walker's apparent assassination and is confused at his body's disappearance, offers Battlestar position on Freedom Force but is turned down, learns Walker is alive and secretly the new USAgent
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #254-255
orders Freedom Force to Muir Island to fight Reavers, is shocked at loss of two members
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #263-264
meets with Soviet spy who warns her of upcoming mutant-related threats
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #265-266
falls under thrall of Shadow King, shoots and apparently kills Mystique
X-Factor (1st series) #70
revealed to have rebelled against Shadow King, recovers in hospital while X-Men defeat Shadow King
X-Factor (1st series) #71-72
becomes liaison to the new government-sponsored X-Factor which officially replaces Freedom Force
X-Factor (1st series) #73-75
reunites briefly with ex-husband, unaware he is actually disguised Mr. Sinister
Incredible Hulk (2nd series) #390-392
accompanies X-Factor on mission to Trans-Sabal, drugged by ruler Farnoq Dahn
X-Factor (1st series) #78
begins wearing X-Factor uniform on missions
X-Factor Annual #7
comes into conflict with former Freedom Force member Spiral
X-Factor (1st series) #83
begins to butt heads with Havok over X-Factor leaders, involved in X-Patriot crisis
X-Cutioner's Song crossover
X-Cutioner Song conflict
X-Factor (1st series) #87
arranges therapy sessions between X-Factor and Doc Samson, apparently captured by monstrous creature
X-Factor (1st series) #88-91
acts strangely around teammates who notice
X-Factor (1st series) #92
shakes off mental control, confesses to knowledge of the Project: Wideawake
X-Factor (1st series) #93
steps down as X-Factor liaison when it becomes apparent relationship is irreconcilable
Spider-Woman (2nd series) #2
past with creation of Spider-Woman comes back to haunt her
X-Factor (1st series) #97-100
investigates cult of Haven in California, briefly joins but aids X-Factor during their conflict with Haven
X-Factor (1st series) #103
appears before sub-committee on Mutagenic Affairs to brief them on the Haven situation and update them on the Legacy Virus
X-Factor (1st series) #108-109
joins Forge and Nick Fury in searching for Mystique
X-Factor (1st series) #111
believes she sees deceased Multiple Man alive in crowd
tries to rebuild relationship with X-Factor
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #326
speaks before World Health Organization after Legacy virus becomes public knowledge
X-Factor (1st series) #114
back in charge of X-Factor, forces Mystique and Kyle Gibney (now Wild Child) to join
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #328, Sabretooth: In The Red Zone
fakes Sabretooth's death
X-Factor (1st series) #119-121
forced to accept Sabretooth on X-Factor
X-Factor (1st series) #122-123
given hint by Sabrtooth that her superiors are not telling her something
X-Factor (1st series) #124
sides with X-Factor, withholds information from government
X-Men (2nd series) #57
arrests Charles Xavier following the Onslaught crisis
X-Factor (1st series) #127, 129
begins to work alongside Bastion, relationship with X-Factor begins to sour again
X-Factor (1st series) #130
attempts to warn X-Factor about Mystique's intent to assassinate presidential candidate Graydon Creed, Creed assassination
X-Factor (1st series) #132
informed by X-Factor that they were breaking ties with the government
X-Factor (1st series) #133
revealed to be working with X-Factor in ruse against government
X-Factor (1st series) #136-137
aided by her ex-husband to help X-Factor
X-Factor (1st series) #139
keeps job with government, begins investigation into who killed Graydon Creed
X-Factor (1st series) #142
confesses to Wild Child her involvement in his origin, receives forgiveness
X-Factor (1st series) #148
butts head with Peter Henry Gyrich over X-Factor
Fantastic Four (3rd series) #11-12
briefs Fantastic Four regarding Genosha after the Press Gang kidnaps Mr. Fantastic
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #360
aids X-Men in mystery regarding the missing Dr. Peter Corbeau
Thunderbolts (1st series) #21, 26-27, 29, 35-37
becomes involved in the Thunderbolts and specifically the Beetle
Maximum Security crossover, USAgent (2nd series) #1-3
offers USAgent leadership position of STARS organization during Maximum Security crisis
Thunderbolts (1st series) #49-50
works with Thunderbolts to cover up crisis caused by Gyrich
X-Treme X-Men (1st series) #31-33, 35
suggests Storm's team of X-Men become a police force with worldwide authority
Sentinel Squad O*N*E #1-3
becomes deputy director of Office of National Emergency (O*N*E) which utilizes human-operated Sentinels
Decimation: House of M – the Day After #1, Sentinel Squad O*N*E #5
ordered by General Lazer to send O*N*E Sentinels to X-mansion following the Decimation of M-Day
X-Men (2nd series) #177-179
informs X-Men that O*N*E Sentinels are there both to protect them and prevent them from leaving Xavier Estate grounds
X-Men: The 198 #2-3
addresses so-called "198" refugees, attempts to placate their fears of being prisoners
X-Men: The 198 #4
tries to convince Cyclops not to let the 198 leave grounds
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #469-470, 472
begins friendship with Bishop
Civil War: X-Men #1-4
works with Bishop during the crisis of the superhero Civil War, rebels against traitorous General Lazer, ends imprisonment of 198 at Xavier Estate
X-Factor (3rd series) #14
offers government protection of X-Factor Investigations in wake of Superhuman Registration Act passage
X-Factor (3rd series) #17
asks Madrox's help in searching for terrorist X-Cell
Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #487-488, 491
butts heads with Xavier over Caliban, relationship between he and O*N*E sours
X-Factor (3rd series) #21
offers Strong Guy job as "sheriff" of Mutant Town
X-Factor (3rd series) #32
attempts to force Madrox into working for government, secretly succeeds despite public defeat
X-Factor (3rd series) #33
threatens to reveal to X-Factor that Madrox has been working for O*N*E if he doesn't toe the line
X-Factor (3rd series) #36-39
reveals her deal with Madrox to X-Factor, accidentally shot by her own agents, taken to hospital by Siryn
X-Factor (3rd series) #44
helps Siryn grieve with the loss of her child by recounting her own miscarriage
X-Factor (1st series) #233
hires X-Factor Investigations, now under the leadership of Havok, to complete mission
Uncanny X-Men (4th series) #6
debates actions of Magneto and his X-Men with Senator Lachlan on live TV