CYCLOPS: Page 15 of 20

Publication Date: 14th Nov 2019
Image Work: sixhoursoflucy and Gremlin.


Cyclops was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his leadership during the siege of San Francisco. He also realized he was putting too much pressure on Hope by trying to influence how she lived her life. Resolving to do better, he urged her to take control of her life and find her own way. Hope accepted his blessing and began a journey to both learn about her roots and make contact with the five new mutant signatures that had emerged. [Uncanny X-Men: Heroic Age #1]

As per some advice from Captain America, Cyclops also realized it was time to take the X-Men out of the shadows and start showing the world once again that they were a force for good. [Heroic Age #1] After staving off a vampire invasion in San Francisco, [X-Men (3rd series) #1-6] the X-Men recruited a publicist named Kate Kildare who specialized in superhuman PR. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #528] The X-Men also harnessed additional positive publicity when they thwarted one of Dark Beast’s kidnapping and experimentation schemes and returned the teenaged victims to their families in front of gathered news cameras. [X-Men (3rd series) #7-10]

It was also around this time that the Evolutionaries finally returned to check on Cyclops's job of protecting mutantkind. They found his performance wanting. Due to the genocide on Genosha, the eradication of mutants on M-Day and everything that had followed, the Evolutionary decided Cyclops had failed, and that mankind therefore had to be eliminated in order to clear the way for its mutant successors. Scott once again fought back against the Evolutionary in defense of mankind. Upon seeing the Evolutionary, meanwhile, Scott's wiped memories were restored, and their first encounter came flooding back to him—and, as it so happened, everyone else on Utopia. As the Evolutionary prepared to exterminate mankind, Cyclops had Madison Jeffries activate a machine that targeted the Evolutionary and his minions, killing all of them except the sole survivor of their previous encounter. With his foe neutralized, Cyclops told him the role of the Evolutionaries in shepherding mutantkind was pointless, as mutants had Cyclops and the X-Men there to protect them. The Evolutionary left, but vowed vengeance on his one true enemy: Scott Summers. [X-Men Giant-Size #1, X-Men (3rd series) #12-15]

The X-Men came to blows with the Avengers when the Scarlet Witch emerged from hiding and revealed that, for a short time, she had the ability to repower mutants whose abilities she'd sheared on M-Day. Even after it was revealed that Doctor Doom had manipulated her into causing M-Day in the first place, Cyclops still blamed Wanda for what happened and swore he would never forgive her. [Avengers: The Children Crusade #6-9]

Cyclops's allegiance to San Francisco was put to the test when the ancient Asgardian deity known as the Serpent was unleashed upon Midgard. The Serpent empowered several destructive agents he considered "Worthy" and had them spread fear across the Earth. One of his agents was the X-Men's old acquaintance Juggernaut, who was tasked with destroying either San Francisco or Utopia—and letting Cyclops and Mayor Sadie decide between themselves which it would be. Although Mayor Sadie reluctantly considered sacrificing Utopia to save the people of San Fran, it didn't end up coming to that, as the X-Men outmaneuvered Juggernaut by stripping him of his Cyttorak-based powers. Still, Cyclops was angry at Sadie for contemplating sacrificing his people, and not-so-subtly threatened her as a result. On his part, he denied even considering letting the Juggernaut ravage San Francisco. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #540-543]

Cyclops took a more proactive approach to safeguarding the mutant population of the world when he and Wolverine attended a United Nations Arm Conference and pleaded with the gathered world leaders to decommission their Sentinels now that fewer than 200 mutants remained in the world. Aside from a spat with the leader of Iran, the speech was going well—until the hotheaded mutant telepath Quentin Quire interrupted and unleashed a psychic attack on everyone present that caused them to involuntarily reveal their deepest, darkest secrets on live television. Cyclops and Wolverine managed to escape safely back to Utopia, but in response to Quire's highly public terrorist attack, nations all over the world unveiled new Sentinels, putting mutants all over the globe on high alert.

Cyclops also began arguing with Wolverine about whether it was ethical to use mutant children in combat, either offensively or defensively. The times in which they lived dictated that every mutant had to fight, Cyclops believed, but Wolverine disagreed, and argued that their role as X-Men should be to protect the young mutants of the world from exposure to danger. This argument became especially relevant after Cyclops had to dispatch most of his X-Men to all corners of the world to defend humans from the malfunctioning Sentinels that were supposed to protect them, reducing his available soldiers at home to the bare minimum.

In the midst of the global anti-mutant panic, Mayor Sadie decided to advance the opening date of San Francisco's new Mutant Rights Museum by a week, and invited the X-Men to attend. Cyclops sent Emma, Colossus, Magneto, Namor and Iceman to the event, along with their student Oya, to represent the X-Men—though Logan interpreted the crew he sent as more of a show of power than anything. Unfortunately, the new Hellfire Club attacked the gala and neutralized all of the X-Men, except for Oya, who managed to remain hidden. Cyclops and Wolverine rushed to the gala to intervene, both of them in telepathic contact with Oya the whole time. When she informed Cyclops that the Hellfire Club guards were arming bombs in the museum and intended to execute the hostages, she asked Cyclops what she should do. Cyclops, fully aware of both Oya's destructive capabilities and Wolverine's objections, gave the young girl the passive command to "do what you feel you have to." Oya chose to intervene, and killed all sixteen of the Hellfire Club hostage-takers. Cyclops, Wolverine and Oya then managed to get the hostages out of the building before the bomb detonated.

Wolverine was furious at Cyclops for letting the young mutant become a killer. However, the timing of their disagreement soon proved to be most inopportune, as the bomb that had just detonated turned out to be an electromagnetic smart bomb that built a giant Sentinel from all the metal in the area. This seemingly unstoppable Sentinel had only one mission: destroy Utopia. Cyclops tried to rally the island’s defenses, but most of his X-Men were either incapacitated or tied up fighting Sentinels around the world; the only ones left to defend the island were him and a group of the kids that included Hope. Scott asked for their help in defending their home, but Wolverine arrived and objected, saying this was no role for kids and that the X-Men had lost their way if they were even considering using children as combat troops. Wolverine argued they should evacuate, but Cyclops refused.

While Cyclops was distracted with the impending threat, Wolverine snuck away and wired the island with explosives that he intended to detonate as the Sentinel approached, essentially forcing Scott and the kids to evacuate. When Cyclops learned of this, he and Wolverine came to blows. Cyclops, realizing he was losing the fight, tried to destabilize Logan by telling him Jean never loved him and had actually always been afraid of him. In response, Logan asked Scott which of them she would be afraid of if she could see them now. As the Sentinel bore down on them, they paid no mind to it and instead focused their attention on trying to kill each other. In the end, Hope saved them from the Sentinel's coup de grace, at which point Scott and Logan finally came to their senses and defeated the Sentinel with the help of their gathered students.

The battle may have ended with no serious injuries, but the aftermath wasn't pretty. Wolverine decided to quit the team after he spoke with Oya and realized she assumed murdering their enemies was just something that came with the territory of being an X-Man. When Cyclops learned of Logan's decision, he insisted he had made the right calls, as shown by the fact that it was the kids who ended up fighting—and beating—the Sentinel. They didn't have the luxury of pretending they could shelter young mutants from a world that was intent on killing them, he argued. [X-Men: Schism #1-5]

Logan returned to Westchester with all of the X-Men who wanted to join him in building a new school that operated on a philosophy of keeping young mutants out of live combat. To add insult to injury, Wolverine called this school the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Although Logan took several of Scott's closest friends with him, Scott managed to retain Magneto, Namor, Danger, Doctor Nemesis, Colossus, Magik, Hope and Emma—most of whom, he realized, were reformed villains. He pleaded with Storm to stay with him to lend his team of X-Men heroic credibility, and she accepted. Parting ways with the rest of his friends, particularly Iceman, was hard on him, though, but he accepted the facts of the situation and swore that he would greet all of them—including Wolverine—with open arms when they returned. [X-Men: Regenesis #1, Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #544]

After the others left, Cyclops met with his new team, which he dubbed "The Extinction Team" as a way of reminding both themselves and the world how often they—mutants and X-Men—saved humanity from annihilation. Their purpose was twofold: to protect all of mankind, and to act as such a powerful deterrent that their enemies would never even consider attacking the mutants of Utopia or their brethren at Logan’s new school. [Uncanny X-Men (2nd series) #1]