MARROW: Page 2 of 5

Publication Date: 4th May 2017
Written By: Peter Luzifer, Jason and Gremlin.


Marrow didn’t die, though. One benefit of her unique physique was that her body had to overcompensate for her random bone growth and she either always had, or generated, a second heart. After the X-Men left her for dead, she slowly recovered and went into hiding. A couple of months later, Storm liberated the remaining Morlocks from Mikhail’s Hill dimension and once more defeated Callisto in a leadership duel before relocating the Morlocks to a reservation in Africa. Secretly living in the Morlocks tunnels, Marrow saw Callisto running through her former home and she revealed herself to aid her former mentor. [Storm (1st series) #4]

Over the following weeks, Callisto joined Marrow in her terrorist activities, though only after they changed their modus operandi somewhat. While they still used violence, Callisto wanted to get their message across first and allowed Marrow only to use lethal force when it was inevitable. She even had Marrow warn the bystanders of a bomb they had planted, giving them enough time to evacuate before it went off. Their terrorist activities brought the two Morlocks into conflict with Storm and Cable, and Marrow seemed a bit upset after the encounter. [Cable (1st series) #42]

When Marrow and Callisto returned for their next act of terror, Sarah seemed to be more in control of her bone growth. Only some few, small bones were growing from her face, and her full head of hair indicated that she hadn’t popped any bones there for quite a while. Whereas special bone plates were shielding her knees and her rib cage, she had a significant supply of bone daggers to pull from her back. This time, the two Morlocks’ target was anti-mutant government official, Henry Peter Gyrich, for his involvement in Operation: Zero Tolerance. Spider-Man intervened but, when Gyrich’s guards turned out to be Prime Sentinels in disguise, them making no difference between the super-powered individuals in front of them, the odd combatants had to join forces in order to survive. Seeing that Marrow was in danger, Callisto intercepted one of the Sentinel’s blasts with her own body. The danger still not passed, Marrow was saved by the very man she was trying to kill, Gyrich. Despite the fact that a human had saved her life, she still tried to exact revenge upon him for Callisto’s injuries, but she again was stopped by Spider-Man. He managed to get through Marrow’s hatred and anger and gave her a lot to think about. She then returned to the Morlock tunnels, carrying the badly wounded Callisto to safety. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #346]

Marrow stayed by Callisto's side, nursing her wounds, all the while contemplating her revenge and expressing her hatred for those on the surface world. However, Callisto pleaded with Marrow not to repeat her own mistakes from the past, and to understand that life was so much more than just fighting. Eventually, Sarah gave in and promised Callisto that she would search for the X-Men and help them against Operation: Zero Tolerance. [Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #347]

Indeed, the X-Men needed any help they could get, with one half of the team being away in another galaxy and next to everyone else already captured by Bastion’s forces. Marrow tracked the movements of the X-Man known as Iceman and his companion, the untrained Cecilia Reyes, throughout the city, eventually joining them after helping them to escape from a police station full of Prime Sentinels. The Israeli mutant Sabra also accompanying them and, as they escaped over the ocean using an ice slide crafted by Iceman, Marrow once more proved her resourcefulness when jumped into the water and single-handed subdued a Prime Sentinel that had secretly been stalking them. The ragtag team even reached the house of Rose Gilberti, the only person Bastion cared for, as he considered her his “mother.” However, there, they were overwhelmed by Prime Sentinels. Fortunately, the fight was quickly called to halt when SHIELD operatives interrupted and shut down Operation: Zero Tolerance. Marrow curiously wondered why Iceman wouldn’t kill Bastion now that they had a chance, but he explained that, if they did, they wouldn’t be any different than the villain. [X-Men (2nd series) #67-69]

Iceman invited both Cecilia and Marrow to Xavier’s mansion but, upon arriving there, the trio found the house empty, stripped bare of any technological equipment or furniture by Bastion’s troops. Things even got worse when the other X-Men returned, among them the badly wounded Cyclops, who had been implanted a bomb into his stomach. Marrow was immediately at odds with both Cecilia and Storm, bickering with the former and wanted to continue her blood match with the later. However, all these conflicts were put aside to save Cyclops. Marrow saw the need for her skills in this situation and provided Cannonball one of her bones to grind antibiotics and Cecilia with two wrist bones, which were not quite ready to pop, for her to use as operation tools in order to successfully remove the bomb. Deciding to remain at the mansion, at least for the time being, Marrow retreated to the cellar, which would become her room. She left a message on the door to all those wanting to come find her, 'This Way To A Dark Ride'..[X-Men (2nd series) #70]

Slowly, Marrow began to join the group in their daily activities, even sitting with them for breakfast. Her first meal with them, however, caused quite a commotion. Everyone else was staring at her, at first because of a huge sharp bone that had grown out of her forehead over night, and next because of her bad table manners. Sarah stuck her head into her food and literally pigged it out, disgusting the others. Cannonball confronted her about it, saying she should be old enough to know how to use a spoon, at which point Marrow got quite upset, for she actually didn’t know how old she was. Every now and then, Marrow entered the Morlock tunnels to check on Callisto’s needs and to protect her from harm. For example, when there was a construction site nearby, Marrow scared the workers away, making sure that Callisto’s resting place wouldn’t be disturbed. [X-Men (2nd series) #71, X-Men Unlimited (1st series) #18]

While the newer team members, such as Cannonball or Maggott, were at least willing to give Marrow a chance, the veteran X-Men Storm and Wolverine were giving her a very hard time to fit in. As Marrow questioned Storm’s each and every word, despite her being team leader, Logan decided to confront the young Morlock in the Danger room, which led to a drag out battle between the two. During their fight, the two bickered about Marrow's place in the X-Men, which only fueled Marrow’s up to the point that she controlled the bone growth of her fingers, making them longer and sharper. Thinking that he had made his point, Logan ended the fight and offered Sarah to stay at the school and learn more. Marrow was unsure what to make of it, and considered Wolverine’s offer a trick. Feigning acceptance, Marrow suddenly rammed a bone dagger in Logan’s throat, before running away, back into the Morlock tunnels. [X-Men (2nd series) #72]

Towards the still injured Callisto, Sarah pretended that everything was okay at school, and that she made some friends at Xavier’s. Right then, she remembered that Cecilia Reyes was a doctor, so Marrow briefly returned to the mansion to steal her medical books and the supplies in her doctor’s bag. Upon her way out, Marrow came across Rogue giving mouth-to-mouth to an unconscious Joseph, absorbing some of his memories. Marrow acknowledged the likeliness she saw in herself and Rogue, and promised not to tell anyone of the incident. [X-Men (2nd series) #73, Uncanny X-Men (1st series) #354]

Despite Sarah’s efforts, Callisto’s condition took a turn for the worse. Marrow even prayed to a self-made Archangel doll for her recovery, the winged X-Men having become an idol of worship for the Morlocks both because of his beauty as well as his “rebirth” after his wings had been amputated due to the injuries he received at the hands of the Marauders. Marrow couldn’t quite believe her eyes when, later that day, she spotted Archangel in the Morlock tunnels, in battle with the Abomination. Naturally, she joined in on the fight, trying to lure the monster away from her idol. Knowing she was uncomfortable around Archangel because of her ugly appearance, the Abomination taunted Sarah, but Warren reassured her that she was beautiful and courageous to him, because of her deeds. Hearing this, Marrow found new strength within herself and lashed out at the Abomination with some sharp, metal feathers she had collected and carried around with herself. Once the monster had left, Warren told Sarah that he would put a good word in with the X-Men. While he was still wondering where she might have gotten his metal feathers from, Marrow carved the words 'Light Never Dies, Even In Monsters' and disappeared into the tunnels again. [X-Men (2nd series) #74]