PUCK I: Page 5 of 5

Publication Date: 1st Jul 2024
Image Work: Peter Luzifer and Douglas Mangum.


With the AFSS destroyed, Puck and other senior crew began operating out of the Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University. Puck was vocal in supporting the notion of rebuilding and returning to space, but the group were faced with the lack of resources for the rebuild to occur, while Captain Marvel secretly wasn't sure if she even wanted to go back into space. Puck and the others were soon formally advised that the AFSS had been grounded. Puck agreed to assist Captain Marvel get back into space when Carol received cryptic messages from an alien child who she needed to find. Puck managed to get a spaceship into working order, but the spaceship wasn't needed, as Carol found herself flying into space where she suddenly vanished, leaving a bewildered Puck behind. In the intervening period, the AFSS was rather quickly rebuilt, and Puck resumed active duty aboard the station. [Mighty Captain Marvel #9, Captain Marvel (10th series) #125, 129]

When the Master of the World was discovered using his alien technology to repair the melting glaciers in the Arctic Circle, Puck accompanied Sasquatch and Captain Marvel to investigate. They were joined by Snowbird and Talisman, who were still active as a Canada-based team of Alpha Flight. Their investigation put them at odds with the teenage heroes known as the Champions, who wanted to hear the Master out, especially if he was indeed repairing the glaciers. Alpha Flight and the Champions battled, until it was discovered that the Master was in fact attempting to steal the literal soul of the north. Puck and the rest of Alpha Flight teamed up with the Champions to defeat the Master, who escaped during the chaos. [Champions (2nd series) #20-21]

Puck was soon reunited with Old Man Logan when he and members of the Canadian-based Alpha Flight met up with the aging Wolverine when they were investigating the disappearance of residents of a small town in Nova Scotia. The heroes worked to locate the missing residents while battling a mysterious alien. Puck knew of Old Man Logan's ailing health and revealed that the Alpha Flight Space Station's satellites had located this world's long-missing Wolverine. Puck offered to arrange for Old Man Logan to meet Wolverine, but Old Man Logan declined. [Old Man Logan (2nd series) #46-47]

Puck supported Captain Marvel in confronting Sasquatch when concern was raised about his increasing savagery, and the fact that he no longer appeared in his human form of Walter Langkowski. Puck was on hand when Sasquatch was killed and then resurrected, seemingly without the ability to transform into Sasquatch, when the gamma energy that powered him was absorbed by the Hulk. Puck also met Jackie McGee, a reporter who had been tracking the Hulk and witnessed the events that happened to Walter. Puck was not overly keen on Jackie and warned her that she was only invited onto the AFSS because she witnessed what happened to Walter. [Immortal Hulk #5-6]

When the Hulk went missing after being captured by Shadow Base, Captain Marvel formed the new Gamma Flight division of the Alpha Flight Space Program, which Puck was assigned to along with Walter Langkowski. Puck and Gamma Flight tracked the Hulk to the site of the original gamma bomb blast in New Mexico, where the Hulk was battling the Absorbing Man. However, Puck and the others soon discovered that the true threat was a demonic entity in the form of the Hulk's father, who had possessed the Absorbing Man with the intention of gathering all of the gamma radiation to open the mysterious “Green Door.” When the Green Door was opened, Puck found himself trapped in a strange hellish dimension. It was there that he realized he had indeed lived the adventure-filled, interesting life that he had always hoped to. During this “adventure,” Puck also supported the Absorbing Man, who was having difficulty dealing with the danger caused by the mysterious “One Below,” the true threat that was tormenting the Hulk. When the Hulk finally defeated the One Below, Puck and the others were returned to their true dimension, and Puck invited the Absorbing Man to join Gamma Flight. [Immortal Hulk #10-13]

Puck and Gamma Flight maintained some degree of observation of the Hulk, keeping watch over his comings and goings. They arrived at Shadow Base following a battle between the Hulk and Doc Samson, which resulted in Shadow Base's destruction. Gamma Flight returned to the Alpha Flight Space Station, along with Doc Samson and the Gamma-Activated Tissue remains, which were collected from Shadow Base. This put Puck and his teammates in the firing line of General Fortean of the U.S. Hulk Operations, a high-ranking official who was obsessed with taking down the Hulk and other Gamma-powered beings. Fortean invaded the AFSS and stole the Gamma-Activated Tissue, and at the same time shot and seemingly killed Sasquatch. When Doc Samson examined the remains of Puck's longtime friend and teammate, Puck didn't seem too concerned about Walt's death. Having been through it before, Puck told Doc Samson that Alphans don't mourn unless they really have to.

Puck then asked to assume leadership of the Gamma Flight team, with no objections. Puck ordered Sasquatch's remains be placed in suspended animation and proposed that Gamma Flight take the fight back to General Fortean. After locating the new Shadow Base location, Puck led Gamma Flight on a surprise assault. Unfortunately for Gamma Flight, General Fortean and Shadow Base had anticipated the attack and greatly outnumbered Gamma Flight. In a strange twist of fate, the very being that Gamma Flight was tasked with keeping track of, the Hulk, arrived with several allies of his own, and Puck worked alongside the Hulk in battling General Fortean and Shadow Base. While Puck held his own for some time, he was eventually taken out in the midst of battle. [Immortal Hulk #18, 20-23] The Hulk and his allies later made their home at Shadow Base after defeating General Fortean, and Gamma Flight returned to the Alpha Flight Space Station.

Puck and Gamma Flight were called back into action when they assisted the Hulk and others against a number of monsters that were causing chaos in Arizona. [Immortal Hulk #30-31] However, soon after, Gamma Flight was once again at odds with the Hulk when he was manipulated by the Leader into causing the destruction of a small town. Puck was able to shoot the Hulk and take him back to the Alpha Flight Space Station, where he was restrained and kept in a weakened state. [Immortal Hulk #36-37, 39] During a break from the recent chaos, Puck and his teammates were shocked when Sasquatch appeared before them – only it wasn't Walter Langkowski who had returned to life, but Doc Samson, whose soul had taken over Walter's Sasquatch body. Adding to Puck's problems, the Hulk was able to escape the Alpha Flight Space Station and this did not make Henry Gyrich (now overseeing the Alpha Flight Space Station) very happy. Gyrich listed numerous “failures” of Puck's team and, fed up with Gyrich, Puck and his remaining teammates walked out on him. [Immortal Hulk #40, 42]

In an effort to keep Gyrich off his back and work out how to help both Walter Langkowski and Doc Samson, Puck began operating out of the abandoned Shadow Base “Site G,” the location of the original gamma bomb that transformed Bruce Banner into the Hulk. In an attempt to assist with restoring Walter and Doc Samson, Puck called in his Alpha Flight teammate, Shaman. However, it was discovered soon after that the body of Doc Samson had vanished. When Gyrich set the Avengers against the Hulk, Puck led Gamma Flight in battle to defend the Jade Giant and, eventually, Gamma Flight were able to escape with the Hulk, taking him to safety. [Immortal Hulk #43-47]

On the run from Gyrich, Puck and the other members of Gamma Flight began hiding out at the personal apartment belonging to the Absorbing Man and Titania. The team decided to set about finding a way to cure gamma-irradiated beings. Their mission saw them encounter the Skaar and help a town of people who had become infected with gamma radiation, thanks to the Abomination [Gamma Flight #1-5]

With the rise of anti-mutant hysteria following the formation of the mutant-nation Krakoa, the Canadian government and Department H soon redirected resources back to the ground-based Alpha Flight team. Working in cooperation with the organization Orchis, Department H focused the efforts of a small team of classic Alpha Flight members who would protect Canada from the “mutant menace” and round up renegade mutants, who would be extradited from Canada following an all-out ban on mutants within the great nation. Returning to Alpha Flight proper after his time with Gamma Flight and as a crew member on the Alpha Flight Space Station, Puck was reunited with Guardian, Shaman and Snowbird to carry out the government's orders.

In truth, Puck and the others were working alongside their former teammates, Northstar and Aurora, as well as Aurora's partner Fang and a new Nemesis, who had established a safe-haven for mutants, Krakoa North. At Krakoa North, they would hide rescued mutants until they could be safely transported to Chandilar, as the mutant planet known as Arakko was in the midst of a civil war and not a viable option for the rescued mutants. Puck and the others would engage with the “renegade” Alpha Flight and battle them, purposefully losing so that the renegade Alphans could escape with rescued mutants. Their “failures” soon drew the ire of Department H's new director, Erika Dorion, so the heroes knew they had to move quickly to relocate the mutants before their plot was discovered. [Alpha Flight (5th series) #1]

Puck, in particular, drew the ire of Director Dorion when Alpha Flight “failed” in their rescue missions, and the Director did not hold back her preference for using the newly developed Box Sentinels to apprehend the renegade Alphans and other mutants.

When the mysterious new Nemesis was revealed to be longtime Alpha Flight leader Heather McNeil Hudson, Puck was clearly shocked to see the love of his life in danger after she was wounded. Puck set aside his feelings for Heather to support her husband, Guardian, and continue with the mission. Unfortunately, Alpha Flight were unable to maintain their undercover mission for long. After rescuing former Alpha Flight associate Feedback, Puck and the others were taken into custody by the Box Sentinels, although not without helping Northstar, Aurora and Fang to escape with Feedback and several other rescued mutants. Puck and his teammates were fitted with power-inhibitors and placed in a super-human prison facility. [Alpha Flight (5th series #2-5]

How long the resourceful Puck will remain imprisoned and what's next for Canada's premiere super-heroes remains unknown.