PUCK I: Page 4 of 5

Publication Date: 1st Jul 2024
Image Work: Peter Luzifer and Douglas Mangum.


In the afterlife, the many deceased members of Alpha Flight stayed together. However, when the very fabric of death itself was torn apart, they were separated. Some members were sent back to Earth, while the others were splintered, and Puck was sent even further away from the others, into the very bowels of Hell. Although this may have seemed unfortunate, for Puck’s old friend Wolverine, it was a relief, as Wolverine’s soul was trapped in Hell being tormented by the Devil himself. Judd saw that his friend was in danger and, when Wolverine was crucified, was on hand to offer him some words of advice. While Wolverine resisted the Devil, Puck led a rebellion to fight against Hell’s demons. Puck assisted his old friend, and together they were able to defeat the Devil and climb out of the deepest part of Hell - until a fellow prisoner grabbed Puck and pulled him back in. Puck then took command of the demons and plotted his escape from Hell. [Chaos War: Alpha Flight, Wolverine (4th series) #2-5]

While in Hell, Puck was able to fight off anyone that challenged his rule. However, he soon learned that his friends in Alpha Flight were in danger, persecuted by their own government who branded them traitors and installed a military rule. Deciding to intervene, Puck gave up his place in Hell to return to Earth. However, he was captured by the corrupt Department H and imprisoned within the facility beneath Parliament Hill. Imprisonment for Puck wasn’t enough for Vindicator. Even though he once loved her, Heather had betrayed Alpha Flight and wanted Puck Killed. Nevertheless, he was able to escape his cell and assist Guardian and Northstar against Vindicator. Clearly, Puck’s mental state had somewhat altered, as he addressed his former teammates as “mortals” and began talking to stuffed toys. It is not clear whether this change in mental state was from his time in Hell, or if he had been placed under Department H’s conditioning, which other members of Alpha Flight were forced to undergo. [Alpha Flight (4th series) #2]

Puck’s return to life marked the first time that he and Marrina had been together, on Earth, for a very long time and, as old friends from their Beta Flight days, the reunion was a happy one.

Now on the run from the new, oppressive Canadian government, Alpha Flight became vigilantes, unwilling to leave the people of their nation, who they knew were in danger. With few allies, Alpha Flight set up a secret camp in the Yukon, with regular civilians - scientists, journalists and the like - whom they liberated from the government’s internment camp. Puck arranged for his old associate the Taskmaster to come to Canada, and to train Alpha Flight’s supporters. However, to afford the Taskmaster, Alpha Flight were forced to rob a bank which held the money that was bankrolling the corrupt government’s plans. During this time, the Master of the World was revealed to be behind the Unity Party, and Alpha Flight frequently encountered his new team, Alpha Strike. Puck and Alpha Flight were soon reunited with Wolverine, who had heard of his friends’ troubles, and came to assist. Puck took part in the final battle, and eventually the Master was defeated, and Canada freed from tyranny. Alpha Flight took their rightful place as Canada’s premiere superheroes, and Puck assisted in the clean-up of Canada. [Alpha Flight (4th series) #3-8]

With Canada safe, Puck sought out a new opportunity and applied for a teaching position at the Jean Grey School in Westchester. However, despite his links with its headmaster, Wolverine, he did not get the position. [Wolverine & the X-Men (1st series) #19] Nevertheless, at Wolverine's request, Puck was given the task of working alongside Storm and Psylocke as they delved into a drug ring that was somehow linked to Spiral. This assignment pitted Puck against a Demon-Bear possessed Bishop and Cassandra Nova, who had taken possession of the child called Ginny, Spiral's friend. Cassandra planned to trigger the Great Consumption, which would destroy the veil that separated reality from the Underworld, unleashing an invasion of revenants which would destroy humanity, ending the world thousands of years early. During the battle against Cassandra, Puck and Psylocke, who didn't exactly get on with each other, were briefly stuck in the Underworld, but were rescued by their allies. The ad-hoc team succeeded in defeating Cassandra and preventing the Great Consumption. [Uncanny X-Force (2nd series) #1-6, 9-15]

Around this time, Puck began a sexual relationship with Talisman, who had returned to Alpha Flight. The fact that Talisman is several decades his junior did not seem to matter and it is unknown how Shaman – Talisman's father and Puck's friend – felt about this relationship. It was during one such encounter with Talisman that Puck received a phone call from Vindicator. Talisman urged Puck not to answer the call, reminding him that Vindicator didn't love him back. Puck complied and ignored the call, unaware that the woman he truly loved was being mauled by a horde of savage Wendigo. When Puck later picked up Heather's message, he and Talisman journeyed to Forrest, Canada. There, they met up with Wolverine and several X-Men who were battling the Wendigo, as the Wendigo curse furiously spread across the country. Talisman had a spell to counter the curse, but she was skewered by Wolverine, who had been bitten by a Wendigo and started to transform into one himself. As the heroes contended with more attacks by Wendigo hordes, Puck protected Talisman and became increasingly agitated, worried about her condition. He and Talisman were taken to safety across the Canada / US border and were later airlifted to a hospital in New York. [Amazing X-Men (2nd series) #8-11]

While Alpha Flight remained active in Canada, the name Alpha Flight was soon re-purposed to the Alpha Flight Space Program. This program operated from the new Alpha Flight Space Station (AFSS), established in low orbit around Earth as Earth's new intergalactic diplomatic, defense and alert station. Three of Alpha Flight's longest-serving members agreed to transfer from the Canadian-based team to the AFSS. Never one to shy away from new adventure, Puck was one of the three, along with Sasquatch and Aurora. Puck regularly found himself working alongside Captain Marvel to investigate alien threats and prevent them from reaching Earth, such as the Satori and the Eridani. Around this time, Puck also struck up a close working relationship with Lt. Wendy Kawasaki, one of the humans working aboard the AFSS who regularly supported Captain Marvel and her senior crew. [Captain Marvel (9th series) #1-5]

When a new Inhuman by the name of Ulysses gained the ability of precognition, Puck stood by Captain Marvel's side when she decided she wanted to recruit Ulysses into their Ultimates program, viewing him as a vital tool to staying ahead of threats before they happened. When Captain Marvel let slip to the Alpha Flight Space Program's Board of Governors (including Canadian representative Philippe Beaulieu) of the existence of Ulysses, the Board gave her full authority to use Ulysses for the benefit of the greater good. Puck, Aurora and Sasquatch soon found themselves in a difficult situation when, after being filmed battling the teenager Excavator as part of the predictive justice program to prevent him carrying out a crime, they were summoned back to Canada for a meeting with the Canadian Prime Minister. He expressed his displeasure that his national heroes were caught on film beating up a teenager and gave them some strong words to consider regarding the predictive justice scheme and the freedom of choice. When the loyalties of Aurora were put to the test at the height of the predictive justice project and superhuman civil war, Puck and Sasquatch sided with their longtime teammate, putting them at odds with Captain Marvel, who had accused Aurora of leaking information to protect those predicted of becoming threats.

Puck and the others battled Captain Marvel until they were put into custody aboard the AFSS. To their surprise, however, they learned that Philippe Beaulieu, their representative on the program's board, was none other than Alpha Flight's arch-nemesis, the Master of the World. It was he who was leaking the information about potential threats, all as part of a plot for revenge on both Alpha Flight and Captain Marvel. Before they could react, he shunted Puck and the others out of the space station to their potential deaths. Fortunately, Captain Marvel rescued them, having already discovered the Master of the World was behind her troubles. Captain Marvel defeated the Master of the World and, following the shutdown of Alpha Flight Space Program's Board of Governors, Captain Marvel was given ultimate authority over the program. While Sasquatch and particularly Aurora felt betrayed by Captain Marvel, these events seem to have strengthened Puck's relationship with her, as he offered Carol some advice about dealing with her fans when she was having self-doubts. [Captain Marvel (9th series) #6-7, Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5, Captain Marvel (9th series) #9-10]

Responding to a distress call from a neighboring satellite, Puck was sent to investigate, along with Sasquatch and Abigail Brand. They soon discovered that the satellite was infested with Brood, and Sasquatch and Brand quickly fell to the savage aliens. Puck was able to get a distress call to Old Man Logan, who arrived at the satellite to assist Puck. Unfortunately, Logan was disorientated and kept falling into a dream-like state, where he found himself back in the nightmarish future from which he hailed. Puck rescued Old Man Logan when he was pulled into space and they returned to the satellite to put a stop to the Brood, with the assistance of members of the X-Men who later arrived to help. [Old Man Logan (2nd series) #16-18]

When Earth's planetary shield was disrupted, the AFSS became the last line of defense between threats from space and Earth. The personnel of the space station was bolstered when the Ultimates and the Guardians of the Galaxy began operating from the AFSS, and three brilliant young cadets were added to the space program. Puck began acting as a supervisor to the cadets, of whom he appeared quite fond. Puck's guidance for the young recruits was timely, as the recruits found themselves aboard the AFSS when it fell to an attack by the Chitauri. [Mighty Captain Marvel #5-7]

However, when the planetary shield was re-activated, the heroes aboard the AFSS soon found themselves cut off from Earth, much of which fell under the control of Hydra. Puck worked with Captain Marvel and the others to try to find a way to break the shield, to no avail. With more Chitauri incoming, the heroes contemplated abandoning the AFSS and escaping to another world. However, knowing what was happening on Earth, that was not an option, so Puck assisted with the order to abandon ship and the AFSS was dropped onto the planetary field, shattering it and enabling those heroes trapped in space to return to Earth and battle Hydra. [Mighty Captain Marvel #8]