HAVOK: Page 13 of 13


While Alex claimed he saved Emma purely out of respect for Scott, and did not support her cause against the Inhumans, he was swayed to her side in another cause: protecting mutantkind. When Hydra took over the United States, led by a corrupted Captain America, Emma negotiated a sovereign nation for mutantkind named New Tian, with Havok by her side. Havok acted as Emma's enforcer, quelling insurrection in order to maintain the truce with Hydra. This brought him into conflict with his former flame Polaris, who had come to New Tian to free some of his prisoners, the original X-Men. Polaris was saddened by how far her former love had fallen from grace and after defeating him vowed she wouldn't give up on Alex. [X-Men: Blue #7-9]

Havok and Emma wound up with unusual allies after New Tian fell: Bastion and Miss Sinister. The malfunctioning Sentinel had concluded that there were too few mutants left to justify his programming, and so he must repopulate the mutant race before eliminating them for good. This was in line with Miss Sinister’s work after she discovered the Mothervine virus, a means of artificially engineering mutants derived from another universe. They had already experimented with endowing existing mutants with secondary mutations in New Tian, and now their cabal hoped to distribute Mothervine globally to transform humans into new mutants and restore mutantkind to pre-Decimation numbers. Emma was hesitant about their choice of allies, but Alex convinced her that the ends would justify the means, and they could eliminate their partners once they were no longer needed.

The Mothervine cabal was opposed by Magneto’s team of X-Men and his other allies. Havok approached Magneto and tried to get him on their side, but Erik was more than suspicious about Alex’s allies. He had also seen Mothervine secondary mutations become unstable, turning against the host. Havok’s cabal fought Magneto to a standstill, driving the Master of Magnetism into retreat. As the cabal prepared to disseminate Mothervine throughout the atmosphere using Sentinel tech, Emma learned for the first time that Miss Sinister’s Mothervine virus had control architecture, allowing her to command all the new mutants they intended to create. Havok was dismissive of Emma’s concerns, believing it was a means to an end that would ultimately still net them more mutants.

Havok’s group confronted and defeated Magneto’s X-Men, led by Polaris. Lorna tried to reach out to Alex and the man he once was, but he rejected her pleas and remained committed to Mothervine. Emma, however, did not. The White Queen helped the X-Men escape and they defeated Miss Sinister and Bastion. Mothervine’s effects were reversed by Magneto’s allies Exodus and Elixir, and Havok fell before Emma’s telepathy. Using Polaris’ intimate memories of the man Alex was supposed to be, Emma reached into Havok’s mind and reversed the inversion process, restoring him to his senses. On top of this, Elixir’s Omega-class healing powers were able to reverse the effects of Celestial cosmic burns on Alex’s face, healing him from those old injuries as well. [X-Men: Blue #23-28]

Although he recovered, Alex was at loose ends after his mind was restored. His reputation was in shambles and neither the Avengers nor the X-Men wanted him around. Worse, he was experiencing dreams that Bastion may have done something to him during their partnership. Havok tried to remain optimistic, and attempted to put together his own X-Men squad, despite the reluctance of his allies and team leader Kitty Pryde outright rejecting his idea. Beast was still attempting to help Banshee recover from the Deathseed when they were attacked at his offices in Harvard by Reavers. Colossus, Warpath and Dazzler were added to their group as they discovered the X-Men were caught between the Reavers and the revived Office of National Emergency.

Havok realized both groups were hunting what Bastion implanted inside him. Feeling guilty about putting the others in harm’s way, he tried to walk away and spare them from harm. Warpath followed him and, as a result, they were the only two left free when O*N*E snatched up the rest of the group. Havok recruited the Reavers to help attack O*N*E in exchange for the nanotech infection Bastion had left inside of him. The team was freed, but the Reavers used the nanotech to merge with O*N*E’s Sentinels and attacked the Xavier Institute. Havok brought his X-Men to Kitty Pryde’s defense, despite their differences. Afterwards, however, Alex surrendered himself to General Callahan of the O*N*E, in exchange for leniency towards the other members of his team who attacked the Office. [Astonishing X-Men (4th series) #13-17]

Alex Summers found himself treated like a test subject more than a prisoner, though. Callahan had dreams of eradicating the mutant race as a whole, and his scientists produced Vaxx (an anti-mutant vaccine to prevent the X-gene from manifesting) and tailored “gene bombs” that used similar principles to incapacitate mutants and their abilities once implanted in their bodies. Havok was being experimented on at the O*N*E with several New Mutants and other prisoners when X-Man orchestrated a climactic battle that seemingly wiped out most of the remaining X-Men on Earth. Nevertheless, a jail break was arranged by the surprising return of Cyclops and Wolverine, each back from the dead independently and looking to reform the X-Men to oppose Callahan’s agenda. Havok and the other prisoners were freed, and Alex reunited with his lost brother. [Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #12]

With the approval of the others, Cyclops dictated a list of targets for the X-Men to bring to justice, a “last rites” for the mutant race to ensure they left the world better than they started. Among their targets were the new Brotherhood, the Mutant Liberation Front, Marauders and the Dark Beast. Scott pressed McCoy into service to the X-Men, something Alex was uncomfortable with given the amoral scientist’s history. The X-Men suffered losses as well, with members like Wolfsbane, Chamber and Sunspot dying during this crusade. Havok also discovered the gene bomb implant made his powers unstable at high output. He pushed the upper limits of his plasma generation, and almost dissolved into plasma himself. [Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #13-19]

The X-Men discovered Emma Frost had edited herself out of their memories (and their hit list), and was telepathically prodding their actions from a distance for her own ends. She revealed herself to the team, explaining how she had been pressed into working for O*N*E, and had been manipulating both sides to find a solution. Havok counseled Cyclops not to trust her, but Emma pointed out it wasn’t long ago that Alex was the untrustworthy one in the group. Emma had a plan to make mutants invisible to humanity and needed the X-Men’s help gathering the necessary materials and mutants. They were successful, but General Callahan had anticipated betrayal and shielded himself from Emma’s telepathy. The general launched an attack of techno-organic Sentinels on Scott and Alex in Central Park. These new Sentinels were virtually unstoppable, and Havok needed to unleash the full force of his powers to buy Cyclops time to escape. Knowing his unstable body wouldn’t survive, Alex said good-bye to his brother before erupting in a massive plasma explosion. [Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #20-22]

Surprisingly, Havok would soon return. Charles Xavier and Magneto reunited in a game-changing plot that turned the living island of Krakoa into a mutant homeland. Drugs produced by exotic Krakoan flowers became a sought-after commodity, allowing Krakoa to quickly leverage entry into the United Nations as a recognized state, with citizenship and amnesty internationally granted to all mutants. Finally, mutants were encouraged to find new ways of using their powers in unison, and the Resurrection Five emerged as a group of mutants able to bring any mutant who died back to life, using a back-up of their consciousness preserved in Cerebro. Alex Summers returned to a genuine paradise, with all mutants living in peace. His family retained a Krakoan habitat called the Summer House on the moon, where Havok lived with his brothers Cyclops and the returning Vulcan, as well as their extended family. [House of X #6, X-Men (5th series) #1]

Despite the peace of this new world and his own death and resurrection, Havok was undone by the return of his inverted second personality. On a mission against the anti-mutant Hellfire Cult, Havok was injured and, in his rage, reverted to a maniacal persona that gleefully turned on his opponents and nearly killed them. One of the three laws binding Krakoans was Kill No Man, and Havok was on the brink of being exiled to the bowels of Krakoa like Sabretooth. Alex was one of several mutants brought before the ruling Quiet Council as “trouble makers” who needed to be addressed. Cyclops was beside himself when he saw his brother in the circle of judgment, and was hardly calmed when Mister Sinister suggested the mutants be given to him for “redemption.” Havok became a member of the Hellions, troubled mutants given the opportunity to be true to their mutant selves while kept away from the possibility of taking human life.

Kwannon, the new Psylocke, joined the Hellions as field leader at Cyclops’ insistence, but the team still fell under Mister Sinister’s dominion. Their first mission for the Quiet Council was one of demolition at the Essex State Home for Foundlings in Nebraska where Scott and Alex were raised. Sinister’s now-outlawed cloning farm was located underneath, along with the vats that produced his “legacy” Marauder clones. Sinister’s old work was an anathema to Krakoan sensibilities, and this outdated resurrection tech needed to be eliminated for Krakoa to move forward as a nation. However, the Marauders had apparently seized the facility after Sinister left, and were refusing to come to Krakoa. Havok and the Hellions were charged with bringing in the Marauders or eliminating them, and wiping out the clone farm. [Hellions #1]

The mission immediately went south when the Hellions encountered the Goblin Queen, who had seized control of the Marauders and the clone farm. Madelyne was in one of her psychotic phases, fixated on how she had been forgotten by her friends, her husband and her lover, Havok. Maddie sealed Alex’s mouth shut telekinetically and prepared to sacrifice him to her demon patrons, literally raising hell just to get Krakoa’s attention. The stress of the situation brought forth Alex’s second personality. He slit open his own sealed mouth and eagerly reclaimed his place at Madelyne’s side. Even the Goblin Queen could tell Havok wasn’t right, but she enjoyed the attention and was prepared to sacrifice him all the same.

Greycrow of the Hellions broke free and killed his former comrades in the Marauders as well as shooting Madelyne in the chest. Maddie fixed the damage she had done to Alex’s face as she died, lamenting that she only wanted to be treated like a real person. Havok went over the edge at that, releasing his plasma energy to utterly destroy the facility. He emerged from the wreckage with no memory of what he had done. In the aftermath, Alex spoke out in Madelyne’s favor before the Quiet Council regarding her place in Krakoa’s Resurrection Protocols. The Council had protocols regarding clones and doubles of existing mutants, however, in order to maintain cultural standards and beliefs about resurrection. Madelyne was ultimately dismissed as “just a clone” of Jean, not suitable for resurrection. Alex argued with Scott (who seemed conflicted over the Council’s decision himself), and insisted that Madelyne was a real person, her own person and deserved recognition as such. [Hellions #2-4]

Havok struggled to fit in with his new "team". During the Swordbearers tournament, the Hellions were sent to Arakko to try to prevent the other champions from entering. It was a farce, set up by Mister Sinister for his own goals of acquiring fresh mutant DNA from Arakko. He even killed Havok and the other Hellions who survived to hide his secrets, but his story of their "sacrifice" only made them more suspicious. While fighting the Right, their smiley-face A.I. soldiers evolved beyond mutant elimination protocols and were willing to befriend Havok. Instead, Psylocke followed Krakoa's Hesiod Protocols and administered a computer virus to purge the Right A.I. Alex's beliefs in right and wrong, and the definiton of "life", were constantly being challenged. He pleaded with Emma to do more to "fix" his psychosis and get him off this team, but even after his resurrection, Emma claimed Havok was where he needed to be until his second persona could be better categorized. [Hellions #5-8]

Alex couldn't let go of Madelyne's fate, and he continued to press Xavier and Magneto, among others, about the rules governing resurrections at the Hellfire Gala. Magnus tried to embarrass Alex by letting Lorna overhear their conversation, but Polaris understood Alex legitimately carried for Maddie and wasn't moved to jealousy. [Hellions #12] The past came back to haunt the Hellions when Tarn of Arakko arrived to Krakoa and revealed how Sinister betrayed and killed them earlier. Havok and the Hellions followed Sinister to a secret cloning facility he had built in violation of the Quiet Council's edicts. Empath revealed himself to be a secret agent for Emma Frost, deliberately planted on the team to protect against Sinister's misdeeds. Manuel empathically triggered Alex's secondary personality, leading to a psychotic release of plasma energy that destroyed Sinister's lab, but also consumed the only digital copy of Kwannon's daughter, which he had been holding over her. [Hellions #13-15]

The fallout from this incident was traumatic, and the Hellions fell apart as a unit. Nanny and Orphan Maker had their own breakdowns which led to human deaths and the duo being consigned to exile in the Pit. Havok struggled to forgive himself for Kwannon's daughter, though she herself admitted Alex wasn't responsible for his actions. Emma Frost had a twinge of sympathy over manipulating Alex, and re-raised the issue of Madelyne Pryor's resurrection to the Council as a means of placating him. Maddie was brought back, but immediately blanched at the idea that she lived again simply because of a Summers brother's whim. The long term consequences of the Goblin Queen's return, and whether Havok's psychotic self is truly gone, remain to be seen. [Hellions #16-18]
