Advocates - Alpha Squadron - Chevaliers -
Corsairs - Excelsiors - Exemplars - Hellions -
New Mutants - Paladins - Paragons - Storm's Squad -
Lower (Junior) School
Miscellaneous Students:
A-C, D-H, I-R, S-Z
Non-Mutant Students
Unknown Students
Classes, Faculty
Storm's Squad
Storm's unnamed squad never actually appeared on panel and nothing is known about them other than one of its members. It can be assumed that the squad was disbanded along with the others during M-Day. One additional probable member of the squad was Aero as it was established that Storm taught her to some capacity and Storm wasn't known to teach any actual classes at the Institute.
Storm (Ororo Munroe)
First appearance: Giant-Size X-Men #1
Powers: sense and influence meteorological energy patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes
- Storm later became the principal of the Jean Grey School of Gifted Youngsters following the disbanding of the Xavier Institute/death of Wolverine.
Gentle (Abidemi, Nezhno)
First appearance: New X-Men (2nd series) #23
Powers: "extreme strength" power enables him to manifest ever-increasing levels of strength and muscle mass at will, vibranium tattoos partially dampen and modulate his powers
- Nezhno is biracial. His mother was Wakandan and his father was Russian. Due to Wakanda being a relatively closed society, his mixed heritage made him a pariah before his mutant status was even known. [X-Men: Divided We Stand #1]
- He was raised as a ward of the royal court of Wakanda, with Black Panther having a soft spot for him. This probably influenced Nezhno being assigned to Storm's squad, given the long-standing, on-and-off again relationship between the two royals.
- Nezhno did “graduate” to X-Men status and served under Jean Grey in X-Men: Red.
- Gentle was eligible for the second Hellfire Gala X-men vote but lost to Firestar.