Advocates - Alpha Squadron - Chevaliers -
Corsairs - Excelsiors - Exemplars - Hellions -
New Mutants - Paladins - Paragons - Storm's Squad -
Lower (Junior) School
Miscellaneous Students:
A-C, D-H, I-R, S-Z
Non-Mutant Students
Unknown Students
Classes, Faculty
Alpha Squadron
Alpha Squadron was advised by former Alpha Flight member, Jean-Paul Beaubier aka Northstar, thus the name Alpha Squadron. When Northstar was killed by Wolverine, the squad was assigned a new advisor, Xi’an Coy Manh, aka Karma. The squad’s colors were white and charcoal grey with red accents. Like the other squads, they were disbanded following M-Day. Loa, Indra and Anole retained their powers but Rubbermaid, Preview and Kidogo were depowered. Rubbermaid and Preview were killed by in the bus bombing by William Striker's forces. Kidogo's fate is unknown. If he was killed in the bus crash, he has likely been revived on Krakoa along with his classmates, Rubbermaid and Network.
First appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #13 (squad first shown in full)
Northstar (Jean Paul-Beaubier)
First appearance: X-Men (1st series) #120
Powers: direct the kinetic energy in his molecules to propel himself through the air at superhuman speeds, generate blinding and concussive photon discharges when touching his sister
- Northstar, at least at that point, had been depicted as a difficult personality. Nevertheless, he seemed to be particularly liked by his students and presumably his more challenging personality traits were suppressed in his role as an instructor.
- Despite his “death” at the hands of Wolverine, he was quickly revived and rejoined the X-Men some time later.
Karma (Xuan Cao Manh)
First appearance: Marvel Team-Up (1st series) #100
Powers: Possession, able to impose her thoughts and will over another person to control their bodies by remote, can also probe their thoughts, modify their perceptions or memories while leaving them in control, and use her psionic energy as a shield against other psychic attacks
Karma also served in the school's library, was in charge of the lower school (younger students) and the Paragons following Wolfsbane's leaving the Institute. The latter was eventually taken over by Magma.
Anole (Victor Borkowski)
First appearance: New Mutants (2nd series) #2
Powers: lizard-like mutation gives him green skin, enhanced agility, an elastic tongue, a spikey skullcap, hyper-regenerative abilities, wall-crawling powers, super-humanly strong right arm, and the ability to blend in with his surroundings to become virtually invisible
- Victor is from Fairbury, Illinois. Despite his physical mutation, he was not rejected by his parents, who even attended "parents week" in New Mutants (2nd series) #8.
- Victor was very close to his advisor, Northstar. This was in part due to the fact that Victor himself was coming to terms with his sexual orientation.
- Initially, it was intended that Victor would die by suicide, due to discomfort surrounding his sexuality. However this story line was later squashed and he ended up becoming one of the breakout characters from this generation.
- Anole was the leader of Alpha Squadron.
- He was named after a type of chameleon.
- Anole was voted best actor by his classmates. He listed his likes as theater, Frisbee and basketball, and dislikes as traditions and bad action movies.
- Anole's first advisor was Wolverine (pre-individual squads) but he recognized a transfer to Karma, feeling she was a better personality fit. [New Mutant (2nd series) #7]
Indra (Paras Gavaskar)
First appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #7
Powers: bio-armoring ability enables him to summon living weapons and protective covering to shield him from physical harm
- Indra is from Panchajana, India.
- The name Indra is taken from the Hindu god of weather and war.
- Indra was raised in the Jainism religious movement. Pacifism is one of the core tenets of this belief system. Indra however renounced his pacifism in part due to the constant need to defend himself from violence.
- He is a vegetarian, which is consistent with many practitioners of Jainism. He confirmed this in his yearbook entry in which he listed his dislikes as meat.
- After M-Day, he was considered the youngest member of his generation of students.
- He was once arranged to marry a girl named Vaipala Rani, though they both decided against it.
- He was voted most reliable by his classmates and listed his likes as science class and visiting his family.
Loa (Alani Ryan)
First appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #5
Powers: molecular distortion power allows her to disintegrate objects on contact and "swim" through solid matter, deconstructing the material as she passes through it, magically conditioned to breathe underwater and survive at ocean depths
- Loa is Hawaiian and was named after the Mauna Loa volcano.
- She is seemingly bisexual, having expressed an interest in Mercury and Elixir.
- She was the “sidekick” to the Namor the Sub-Mariner during his time with the X-Books, having served alongside him in the Defenders and she briefly attended the Avengers Academy.
- Her grandmother was a close friend with an old girlfriend of Namor.
- She listed her likes as surfing and lying in the sun in her yearbook entry. Her dislikes were chemistry and big cities. She was voted "Most Laid-Back by her peers.
- She was killed in Uncanny X-Men (5th series) #11 but later revived during the Krakoan age.
Rubbermaid (Andrea Margulies)
First appearance: X-Treme X-Men #20
Powers: ultra-elasticity enables her to negate the rigidity of her molecular structure in order to stretch any portion of her body to great lengths and absorb damage without injury
- In her initial appearances, Andrea was romantically interested in Jeffrey Garrett. Her reaction to his presence as a “ghost” at the Xavier Institute was never seen.
- She was one of the many depowered students killed in the school bus bombing by William Stryker but was revealed as revived in the Krakoan age in X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #13.
- Rubbermaid was voted the biggest gossip by her peers.
- She listed her likes as Northstar, Karma and her squad, which presumably means she is team-orientated. After her resurrection, she was kidnapped at a salsa festival, so presumably she is also a big fan of salsa.
- She stated her dislikes were the Hellions winning the class trophy, indicting either a dislike for the Hellions themselves or hinting at her having a competitive nature.
Kidogo (Lazaro Kotikash)
First appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #13
Powers: micromorph able to shrink down to only a few inches tall by displacing his mass extra-dimensionally
- He was Kenyan as per Marvel Atlas #2.
- His creators revealed to UXN at the time of this article's creation that the intention was that he be part of the Maasai.
- He was the only member of his team to never have any dialogue.
- His fate remains unrevealed, as it was never confirmed if he was killed in the bus bombing by William Stryker and he may be alive and depowered or resurrected on Krakoa.
- Kidogo seemed happy with his powers, stating his likes in his yearbook entry as having the best view and liking to disappear. His powers did not come without pitfalls and he listed his dislikes as being almost stepped on when he was shrunken.
- His teammates voted him as having the most ironic power, indicating that he was actually quite tall.
Network (Sarah Vale)
First appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #13
Powers: mentally communicates with and controls machinery, letting her access computer files and manipulate programming to suit her needs
- Sarah was the sister of Paragon's member Jessica Vale, Preview. Preview's fate is unrevealed.
- She was depowered and later killed by William Strkyer's bus bombing but resurrected on Krakoa. Unlike many students of her era whose return has been merely implied, she was clearly seen in the background while DJ, Rachel Summers and Kyle Jinadu were speaking in X-Factor (5th series) #5.
- In her yearbook, Preview revealed that she was somewhat of an introvert, stating she disliked crowds and peer pressure. Her likes also supported this, as they were primarily things/and or potentially solitary activities, such as playing video games, technology and cars.
- She was voted most likely to be become a millionaire by her peers.