Advocates - Alpha Squadron - Chevaliers -
Corsairs - Excelsiors - Exemplars - Hellions -
New Mutants - Paladins - Paragons - Storm's Squad -
Lower (Junior) School
Miscellaneous Students:
A-C, D-H, I-R, S-Z
Non-Mutant Students
Unknown Students
Classes, Faculty
The Excelsiors were trained by Iceman. Nothing is known about this squad, including its members. The name was a likely nod to the late Marvel Comics founder Stan Lee who was famous for using “excelsior” as a catch phrase, which is in turn the motto of New York State. [Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #13]
Iceman (Robert “Bobby” Drake)
First Appearance: X-Men (1st series) #1
Powers: generate subzero cold that freezes anything in its path, forming water vapor into various ice shapes, converts into an organic ice form with enhanced strength, durability, and cryomorphing powers
- Iceman was a creation of Stan Lee and was likely given the “Excelisiors” as an homage to Stan.