Last Updated: 
12th February 2024

Advocates - Alpha Squadron - Chevaliers -
Corsairs - Excelsiors - Exemplars - Hellions -

New Mutants - Paladins - Paragons - Storm's Squad -
Lower (Junior) School

Miscellaneous Students:
A-C, D-H, I-R, S-Z
Non-Mutant Students
Unknown Students
sses, Faculty


The Exemplars were instructed by Beast. The only known member of the group is Angel Salvatore. None of Beast's squad retained their powers post M-Day. Interestingly, when Beast temporarily replaced the guidance counselor in X-Men Unlimited, he was seen interacting with several mutant teens who may have been intended to be part of his squad (see Elsewhere, Lipid, Protozoa, Iolanthe, Pinnochio, and Cudgel, in miscellaneous students). [X-Men Unlimited (2nd series) #10]


Beast (Henry Philip McCoy)

First Appearance: X-Men (1st series) #1

Powers: superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, dexterity, and acrobatic prowess, night vision, enhanced senses, healing abilities, low-level pheromones, razor edged claws


Angel IV (Angel Salvadore)

First appearance: New X-Men (1st series) #118

Powers: insect mutation gives her wings extending from her backside that enable her to fly or produce ultrasonic vibrations by flapping her wings at high speeds, and can spew a biological acid from her saliva glands that is highly corrosive to the touch


  • Angel came from a dysfunctional family and was both physically and sexually abused by her father.
  • Angel was assigned to the “Special Class” taught by Xorn. She was also briefly affiliated with the version of the Brotherhood assembled by “Xorn” while he was impersonating Magneto.
  • Angel received a commendation at the Institute’s first prize-giving ceremony for her heroism.
  • Angel was briefly roommates with Wallflower but left due to Laurie’s pheromone powers.
  • Angel was romantically involved with her classmate Beak and became pregnant. She laid several dozen eggs and at least six of her children successfully hatched. These offspring all possess both fly-like and avian characteristics to varying degrees.
  • After being depowered, Angel joined a version of the New Warriors along with Beak in which she was given advanced technology which replicated elemental powers. She took the name Tempest and remainined with them until the group disbanded.
  • Angel's mutant abilities were later restored through unknown means, either occuring during the Mothervine incident or she underwent Crucible on Krakoa, with the former being the most likely.
  • After the restoration of her powers, she lived with Beak, their children and his parents peacefully for a time. However, Beak's parents were later murdered and Angel and her family relocated to Krakoa.