Last Updated: 
12th February 2024

Advocates - Alpha Squadron - Chevaliers -
Corsairs - Excelsiors - Exemplars - Hellions -

New Mutants - Paladins - Paragons - Storm's Squad -
Lower (Junior) School

Miscellaneous Students:
A-C, D-H, I-R, S-Z
Non-Mutant Students
Unknown Students
sses, Faculty

Unknown Students?

There were a number of students who did reoccur in the background but were not given names/powers.

X-Treme X-Men #20-23 featured a number of background students. What is notably about this batch is that, outside of some coloring inconsistencies, the design work appeared consistent throughout the arc. This would imply that Claremont/Larocca were deliberate in the character designs. Some of these students were also named Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #13. Below are headshots of the ones that were not named. They did appear to be on the younger side and were likely candidates for the lower school with Karma.

name unrevealed, the “aquatic suit guy”

First appearance: New Mutants (2nd series) #3

Powers: unrevealed


  • This character is a puzzling omission from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #13, as he was in the background of many issues of New Mutants (2nd series) #3, 7, 9, 13 and X-Men Unlimited (2nd series) #10. It seems likely he must have a name, given his reoccurence.

Name unrevealed, asian telepath and green haired punk telepath

First appearance: New X-Men (1st series) #135

Powers: Some form of telepathy


  • These two were the only members of Emma Frost's telepathy class to not be named. They both seemed to find Quentin Quire amusing.



Name unrevealed, Hellion's classmates from the Telekinesis class

First Appearance: New Mutants (2nd series) #2.

Powers: Telekinesis

name unrevealed, the “cyber cat girl”

First appearance: New Mutants (2nd series) #3

All Xavier Institute appearances: New Mutants (2nd series) #3, 7

Powers: unrevealed

name unrevealed, the “Michael Jackson look-a-like”

First appearance: New X-Men (1st series) #117

All Xavier Institute appearances: New X-Men (1st series) #117, 119-120

Powers: unrevealed

name unrevealed, the “veiny guy” First appearance: New X-Men: Academy X #5

All Xavier Institute appearances: New X-Men: Academy X #5, 8, 13

Powers: unrevealed

Students that were merely mentioned, but have yet to be seen:

Noah - mentioned as Julian’s lab partner in New X-Men: Academy X #7

Becky, Julie and Nancy - all mentioned as members of the flying class in X-Men Unlimited (2nd series) #3

Skywalker - mentioned during Archangel’s flight class in New X-Men (1st series) #131

Devon, Eve, Jane, Jenna, Melissa, Robert, Susan and Tommy - all mentioned in X-Men Unlimited (2nd series) #1

“Jeb” - a boy that Lipid and Iolanthe were fighting about in New X-Men Unlimited (2nd series) #10

Graves for Students were seen in New X-Men (2nd series) 8-9, Pesl, Crisologo, Jake And, Grey Van Meter.